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Early Childhood

Foundation and BA (Hons) Degree

Early Childhood 1

Our new Early Childhood programme offers you the chance to combine your study with work and family commitments. You might be an early years educator, a parent, a grandparent or a health worker, or simply wish to extend your knowledge and understanding about Early Childhood.

Our foundation degree helps you to develop a range of academic, professional and key skills.

If you wish to take your study further, the degree will also offer you a preparation towards an Honours Degree and is an important pathway to the BA (Hons) Early Childhood.

Starts Applications for 2017 are now open.
Day and time

Year one

University of Warwick - Classes will take place on Wednesday evenings.

North Warwickshire and Hinckley College - Classes will take place on Thursdays from 2pm onwards (tbc),

At Warwick and NWHC all students attend two Saturday sessions per term at the University of Warwick - 28 October, 18 November, 27 January, 3 March, 12 May, 9 June.


(PDF Document) Fee Information - FdA and BA (Hons) Early Childhood 2017

View potential additional fees.


Westwood Campus, The University of Warwick or North Warwickshire and Hinckley College and 6 Saturdays a year at University of Warwick

Entry requirements NVQ Level 3 or equivalent is desirable and GCSE grade C is a distinct advantage
Applicants are normally interviewed by the course selector
Length Usually three years part-time to Foundation degree (a further two years part-time or one year full-time to Honours degree)

Please use our contact us page if you have an enquiry
or call North Warwickshire and Hinckley College - 024 7624 3000

Watch this video of Programme Director, Dr Sarah Cousins, to find out more about what the new degree involves and whether it's the right course for you:

This video was filmed in March 2016

Important Dates2 boys in garden

The closing date for applications for this course is Monday 18 September 2017. The course will start week commencing 2 October 2017 with an induction evening on Wednesday 27 September 2017.

The Foundation Degree:

  • Combines academic rigour with professional practice
  • Promotes key and transferable skills, e.g. leadership, communication
  • Prepares for career progression and is a route to further study
  • Builds on prior experience and learning
  • Provides innovative teaching and learning experiences
  • Offers optional modules in the third year:
    o Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Early Childhood
    o Leadership in Early Childhood Contexts
  • Students starting in autumn 2017 can access free GCSE maths and English workshops

Who is the programme for?

  • Professionals working in organisations where expertise in early childhood would be beneficial
  • Early years practitioners in childminder, private, voluntary and independent settings, and schools
  • Teaching and learning support assistants, classroom assistants and nursery assistants working in free schools, maintained schools, nurseries and other educational settings
  • Other adults, including health workers, fathers, mothers and grandparents involved in supporting children's learning, welfare and development

How does it work?

  • Part-time, modular structure linking theory and practice
  • Core and optional modules and work-based learning involving work-based tasks and a project
  • Flexible delivery methods including seminars, workshops, professional tasks, lectures and online learning opportunities
  • A commitment to attending one session per week and two Saturdays per term in the first year (Monday evenings at Warwick and Thursdays (tbc) from 2pm at North Warwickshire and Hinckley College) Saturday teaching days at the University of Warwick; 9.30am-4pm (see dates above).
  • A commitment to gaining substantial and broad experience*in one or more Early Years contexts, either as a volunteer or employee
    *x3 or more hours per week or 100 hours per year
  • A Certificate in Early Childhood may be awarded (FHEQ Level 4) for those who do not choose to progress to FHEQ Level 5
  • The Foundation qualification is at FHEQ Level 5 and provides an opportunity to progress to FHEQ Level 6

What are the benefits for me?

  • Achieve a University of Warwick degree
  • Gain expertise in Early Childhood
  • Build up your confidence as a scholar and professional
  • Progress to an Honours degree
  • You will be on a recognised pathway towards further certificated professional status, e.g. Early Years Teacher Status, Qualified Teacher Status
  • Many of our students progress onto the BA (Hons) degree course. This progression route to the BA (Hons) Degree has four pathways; Early Childhood, Early Childhood (Leadership), Early Childhood (Teaching, Learning and Assessment) and Early Childhood (Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability).

What do I need to do next?

  • Applications are considered on individual merit
  • A Level 3 Diploma or prior academic/vocational study and experience is an advantage
  • GCSE (Grade C or above, or equivalent) in English is an advantage
Once you have applied we will contact you to arrange a interview

The programme comprises:

Foundation Degree
2017/18 90 credits  
2018/19 90 credits  
2019/20 (two terms) 60 credits  

BA (Hons)

2019/20 (one term-summer) 30 credits  

90 credits

Students may choose to take a break between the Foundation Degree and BA (Hons) of up to five years.

A list of modules can be found here.

Student Funding

In this video, Rebecca Ayres, Senior Student Funding Advisor, explains funding options for Foundation Degrees in 2018/19.

For further details on fees and funding please visit the student funding webpages.

Student video profiles

EY video profile icon
Watch video profiles
of our current students to find out about their experiences studying here