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Information for current undergraduates

Course Regulations

Details about the particular modules required for different degree paths.

Student Undergraduate Handbook 2023-4Link opens in a new window

UG Monitoring points 23-24

Student Feedback and Complaints Procedure


Find out about opportunities to take part in funded projects during your degree at Warwick.


Careers advice and support for current students.


Essay and exam resources

Information about how to research, write, format and submit your assessments.

Mitigating Circumstances and Reasonable Adjustment

Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

Find out who is representing you on the SSLC and minutes of previous meetings.

Web resources

Directs you to online databases and other resources that are useful for studying Classics and Ancient History.

Study abroad in Europe and Monash

Student Classics Society

Takes you to the website of the student-run classics society.

Provisional Timetable 2023/24:

Term 1 timetable

Term 2 timetable