WCN Public Engagement with schools
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WCN School Events
Every year the WCN holds two large events for schools, our A. G. Leventis Ancient Worlds Day and our Classical Civilization Teachers Day. Find out more here.
Roman Cookery Workshop
Thanks to funding from the Warwick Food GRP, we have created a Roman Cookery Workshop using traditional recipes and replica pottery which we will be rolling out to local schools.
Public Engagement Module student projects
A number of the group projects created by our students as part of the Public Engagement in Classics Module have been created specifically to engage school. Find out more here.

URSS Projects
Every year a number of our Classics students are awarded funding to undertake their own projects, many of which are linked to the creation of resources for schools.
Roman Coventry and Warwickshire Project
FInd out more about how we are engaging schools across Coventry and Warwickshire with our Roman Coventry and Warwickshire Project. And find out how your school can get involved.
Travelling Museum
Find out about the suite of resources linked to our artefact collection here at Warwick.
VR Headsets
Here at the WCN we have been using VR headsets to engage our local schools, Find out more here.
Introducing Classics to schools with Classics for All
One of our core missions is to help introduce more of our local and regional schools and their pupils to the wonders of the ancient world. We work closely with the charity Classics for All acting as their regional hub in the West Midlands, helping schools receive funding and training to help introduce Classics to their pupils. You can find out more about the schools we have helped here.