List of all Modules
This is a list of all available modules from within the department for the academic year 2024-25 [although please remember this information is subject to change].
Compulsory Core modules
There are compulsory modules for specified student groups in Q300/1, VQ32/3, QW34/5 at each level and which are not open to students outside those degrees - these are not listed below. English students should see "Degree StructureLink opens in a new window" page for full breakdown.
Optional Cores
Each degree has "optional cores" which are a list of selected modules that fulfil a certain requirement of the degree. Anything listed as an optional core but which you do not choose as an optional core (or belongs to another English degree optional core list) may still be taken as a general option. See "Degree StructureLink opens in a new window" page for full breakdown.
EN3E0 Dissertation Module
This module is available to final year students only - registered on Q300/Q301 English Literature, QW34/5 English and Theatre Studies, as well as Film and Literature, Philosophy and Literature, English and Classics, English and French, English and German, English and Italian, English and Hispanic Studies, English and Cultural Studies.
Optional modules
Below are all the optional honours' level modules the English department offers and are open to all students in the department and outside the department [with the exception of the EN3E0 dissertation]. There are a range of 30 CATS (2 term) and 15 CATS (1 term) modules that English students can choose in addition to any compulsory / optional cores for their level of study (i.e. intermediate or finalist). Some of these optional modules are also "optional cores" for certain degrees - this is detailed on the Degree StructureLink opens in a new window page and in the descriptions in the booklet.
At both intermediate and finalist level and on any honours degree you can take a maximum of 120 CATS per year.
- 1 term modules of 15 CATS further down
- Any module where the code say EN2XX or 3XX is in the process of being assigned a module code.
- In the English department, second years and finalists take classes together but you will be assigned the module code corresponding with your level.
- Anything with a strikethrough is not running 2024-25.
- Q300/1 students will need to ensure at least one of their modules fits their "optional core" requirement for their level whilst QW34/5 and VQ32/3 will need to check how many CATS are available to them as options and which ones can/must be in English. See Degree StructureLink opens in a new window
30 CATS optional modules
- in alphabetical order
- you can also see these modules grouped by departmental themes using the menu to the left.
EN2D9/EN3D9 American Fiction since 1918: Genre and History (formerly known as Twentieth-Century U.S. Lit)
EN2H2/EN3H2 American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present
EN2K1/EN3K1 American Poetry: Modernity, Rupture, Violence
EN2D4/3D4 Asian and the VictoriansLink opens in a new window
EN2C1/EN3C1 Arthurian LiteratureLink opens in a new window
EN2C5/EN3C5 ChaucerLink opens in a new window
EN2E7/EN3E7 Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947
EN2C7/EN3C7 Devolutionary British Fiction
EN2G5/EN3G5 Disasters and the British ContemporaryLink opens in a new window
EN3E0 DissertationLink opens in a new window (Finalists only and only open to certain students - see webpage)
EN2F2/EN3F2 Ecopoetics: Poetry and World-Ecology
EN2E4/EN3E4 Eighteenth-Century Literature
EN2E2/EN3E2 English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899
EN2J4/EN3J4 Epic into Novel (honours variant) - cannot be taken if already passed in first year
EN2C8/EN3C8 Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies
EN2K4/EN3K4 George Eliot and Sociology
EN2G3/3G3 Global City Literature: Image, Theory, TextLink opens in a new window
EN2F5/EN3F5 Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird)
EN2F7/EN3F7 Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900
EN2G4/EN3G4 Literature, Theory, and TimeLink opens in a new window
EN2E8/EN3E8 Literature and Psychoanalysis
EN2D0/EN3D0 Literature, Environment, Ecology
EN2J5/EN3J5 Medieval and Early Modern Literature (honours variant) - cannot be taken if already passed in first year
EN2J7/EN3J7 Modern World Literatures (honours variant) - cannot be taken if already passed in first year
EN2J6/EN3J6 Modes of Reading (honours variant) - cannot be taken if already passed in first year
EN2L3/EN3D1 Modernist Cultures
EN2C4/EN3C4 Studies in Postcolonialism
EN2Link opens in a new windowG7/EN3G7Link opens in a new window Remaking ShakespeareLink opens in a new window
EN2B4/EN3B4 Romantic and Victorian Poetry
EN2B5/EN3B5 Seventeenth-Century Literature Link opens in a new window
EN2L6/EN3L2 Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time
EN2L8/EN3L5 Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form
EN2M1/EN3M1 Text/Styles: Fashion and LiteratureLink opens in a new window
EN2M6/EN3M6 The Narrative of SlaveryLink opens in a new window
EN2C2/EN3C2 The English Nineteenth-Century Novel
EN2B0/EN3B0 The European Novel
EN2K9/EN3L1 Transatlantic Modernist Poetry
EN2D2/EN3D2 Transnational Feminism: Literature, Theory & Practice
EN2K7/EN3K7 Twentieth-Century Avant-Gardes
EN2K6/EN3K6 Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders (no prior knowledge nor language requirement)
15 CAT optional modules
Term 1 only
EN2F1/EN3F1 Early Modern Drama
EN2F4/EN3F4 Medieval TalesLink opens in a new window
EN2H0/EN3H0 Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, PracticeLink opens in a new window
EN2F3/EN3F3 The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance
Term 2 only
EN2L7/EN3L6 England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660
EN2K5/EN3K5 Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down
EN2M5/EN3M5 Sensation!Link opens in a new window
EN2M7/EN3M9 Special Topic: Global Middle AgesLink opens in a new window
EN2L2/EN3J8 The Question of the Animal
EN2XX/3XX Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean LiteraturesLink opens in a new windowEN2G9/EN3G9 Queering the Literary LandscapeLink opens in a new windowEN2J1/EN3J1 Women and Writing, 1150-1450 - Students are expected to have studied EN121 Medieval to Renaissance Literature or to have equivalent prior reading knowledge of Middle English literature.
EN2L9/3E1 Othello (
EN2G1/EN3G1 - Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context
EN2K8/EN3K7 The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century