Christopher Yiannitsaros
NOTE: I am no longer at the University of Warwick. The proceeding remains for reference purpose only. I can instead be contacted at
My doctoral thesis, Deadly Domesticity: Agatha Christie's 'Middlebrow' Gothic, 1930-1970 (2016), was supervised by Dr. Emma Francis and funded by the AHRC. Before begining my PhD I completed an MA in English Literature (2009; Distinction) and a BA in English Literature (2008; First Class Honours) both at the University of Westminster. I also hold a PGA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2014; accredited by the HEA). During the interim between my Masters and Doctoral study, I was employed in the arts sector: as a writer and research officer for a North London art gallery.
I am a member of the Middlebrow Research Network and my primary research interest is in women's 'middlebrow' fiction of the early-mid twentieth century and the ways in which this particular kind of fiction intersects with the older literary tradition of the Gothic. More broadly, I have research interests in, and have published on topics that include: Gothic fiction from the mid-nineteenth century through to the present day; domestic and culinary literatures; constructions of English national identity in 'middlebrow' and genre fiction, 1880s-1960s; and the ways in which front cover design might influence the percieved 'meaning' of a novel. I am also a member of the Centre for Studies of Home and BAVS.
In February 2013, I was awarded a Humanities Research Centre Doctoral Fellowship. This one-year award - which was won in collaboration with my colleagues Mary Addyman and Laura Wood - resulted in our organisation of a one-day interdiciplinary conference, Devouring: Food, Drink and the Written Word, 1800-1945, which took place here at Warwick on 8th March 2014. An editied collection based on the conference: Food, Drink and the Written Word in Britain, 1820-1945, which will be published by Routledge in April 2017.
I was co-organiser of the postgraduate Gothic Literature Reading Group from 2012-2014, and have additonally facilitated sessions for the interdisciplinary Victorian Culture Reading Group. For more information on my research, conferences I have presented at, organised, or attended, and my publications please see the appropriate sub pages via by the navigation bar above.
"[T]he middlebrows [...] are the go-between; they are the busybodies who run from one to the other with their tittle tattle and make all the mischief - the middlebrows, I repeat. But what, you may ask, is a middlebrow? And that, to tell the truth, is no easy question to answer.
- Virginia Woolf, 'Middlebrow', in Collected Essays, Volume II (London: The Hogarth Press, 1966) p. 198.