Journal Articles:
'Women In the Cut of Danger: Female Subjectivity, Unregimented Masculinity and the Pleasure/Danger Symbiosis from the Gothic Romance to the Erotic Thriller', Women: A Cultural Review 23, 3 (Summer 2012), pp. 287-299.
'"I'm scared to death she'll kill me": Devoted Ladies, Feminine Monstrosity and the (Lesbian) Gothic Romance', The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies 8 (June 2010), pp. 41-52.
Food, Drink and the Written Word in Britain, 1820-1945 (London: Routledge, 2017) (co-ed with Mary Addyman and Laura Wood)
Chapters in Books:
'Introduction', in Mary Addyman, Laura Wood and Christopher Yiannitsaros (eds), Food, Drink and the Written Word in Britian, 1820-1945 (London: Routledge, 2017) (co-written with Mary Addyman and Laura Wood)
Encyclopeadia Entries:
'Notes on a Scandal' (2010), in Robert Clarke (ed.), The Literary Encyclopedia, <>
'The Other Bolyen Girl' (2010), in Robert Clarke (ed.), The Literary Encyclopedia, <>