Dr Vladimir Brljak
I am now Thole Research Fellow in English at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. My current homepages are here
and here
, and my Academia.edu profile here

I was awarded my PhD from the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies in July 2015. My thesis, entitled "Allegory and Modernity in English Literature, c. 1575-1675" and supervised by Catherine Bates
and Paul Botley
, explored the role of allegory in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century English literature and intellectual culture, especially its complex and contested relation to the notion of the period's (early) modernity. My studies were funded by a Chancellor's International Scholarship from the University of Warwick.

I have published and presented on my primary research topics - allegory, poetics, Milton, Shakespeare - in addition to which I also take an interest in medieval literature and its postmedieval reception. My article "The Satanic 'or': Milton and Protestant Anti-Allegorism" has been awarded the 2014 Review of English Studies Essay Prize

In November 2013, I organized Allegory Studies?
, an international conference on the interdisciplinary study of allegory that took place at the University of Warwick, gathering delegates from a number of universities in the UK, as well as Israel, Switzerland and the US. I am currently co-organizing, with Karen Lang
and Peter Mack
, Rethinking Allegory
, a colloquium taking place at the Warburg Institute on 30 October 2015, and editing a volume based around a core of papers presented at these events, with further invited contributions.

Below is a list of selected publications and presentations. I also have a profile on Academia.edu

"The Satanic 'or': Milton and Protestant Anti-Allegorism"
, The Review of English Studies 66 (2015): 403-22
"The Satanic 'or': Milton and Protestant Anti-Allegorism"

"Early Comments on Milton's Anti-Trinitarianism", Milton Quarterly 49 (2015): 44-50
"Allegorical Readings of Paradise Lost", in Milton through the Centuries, ed. Gábor Ittzés and Miklós Péti
"Allegorical Readings of Paradise Lost", in Milton through the Centuries, ed. Gábor Ittzés and Miklós Péti
(Budapest: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, 2012), 102-112
"Hamlet and Lameth", Notes and Queries 59 (2011): 247-254
"Unediting Deor", Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 112 (2011): 297-321
"Borges and the North", Studies in Medievalism 20 (2011): 99-128
"An Allusion to Purgatory in Hamlet", Notes and Queries 57 (2010): 379-380
"The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist", Tolkien Studies 7 (2010): 1-34
"The Lutheran 'Faustus' in Foxe's Acts and Monuments", ANQ 23 (2010): 207-210
"Unediting Deor", Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 112 (2011): 297-321
"Borges and the North", Studies in Medievalism 20 (2011): 99-128
"An Allusion to Purgatory in Hamlet", Notes and Queries 57 (2010): 379-380
"The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist", Tolkien Studies 7 (2010): 1-34
"The Lutheran 'Faustus' in Foxe's Acts and Monuments", ANQ 23 (2010): 207-210
"'[S]ome shadowe of satisfaction': Bacon's Poetics Reconsidered", 61st Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society
"'[S]ome shadowe of satisfaction': Bacon's Poetics Reconsidered", 61st Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society
of America, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 26-28 March 2015
"'[T]he causes and obiects of delectation': An Unpublished Essay on Poetic Theory by Kenelm Digby", 6th Biennial
Conference of the Society for Renaissance Studies, University of Southampton, 13-15 July 2014
"Of Ale and Allegory: Inventing the Middle Ages", Research Day in Medieval English Studies, Pázmány Péter
Catholic University, Piliscsaba, 4 April 2014
"Satan's Allegories and Milton's Epics", 60th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, New York,
27-29 March 2014
"The Age of Allegory: A Medievalist Myth and Its Legacy", The Middle Ages in the Modern World, University of St
Andrews, 25-28 June 2013
"Allegory and Modernity in English Poetics, c. 1570-1630: Locations and Dislocations", 2013 Annual Meeting of
the American Comparative Literature Association, University of Toronto, 4-7 April 2013
"Allegory and the Construction of Modernity in the Study of Renaissance Poetics", Postgraduate Symposium 2012,
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, 27 June 2012
"The Mouth of Hell: Hamlet, 1.5.2-91", Arts Faculty Seminar, University of Warwick, 23 May 2012