Personal Development
Training Courses 2008-2009
(organised by the Graduate School)
- Presenting Academic Writing (Completed: 22/05/09)
- Organising References using EndNote (Completed: 12/05/09)
- Networking Skills (Completed: 28/04/09)
Long nineteenth-century seminar series
I will be attending the Long Nineteenth-Century Seminar Series, dates are as follows:
- 1st July (I will be giving a paper) Council Chamber, Manchester Central Library
- 3rd October
- 6th January
- 7th April
Postgraduate Research Lectures: University of Warwick
I regularly attend the research lectures hosted by the English Department- a programme of regular visiting speaker events.
Seminar Series
I am co-organiser for the Art Faculty Postgraduate Seminar Series in weeks 3 and 7 of each term- a programme of local speakers within the Arts Faculty. Please click on the 'Arts Faculty Seminar Series Page' for more details.