My Teaching
I am the convenor and tutor of the module 'The Romantic Period Novel', tutor of 'Romantic and Victorian Poetry', Academic Writing and 'Communicating Science'. I have also taught 'Modes of Reading', and am involved in an Outreach programme with the NEWW network, aiming to educate pupils in secondary education on women writers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Module Description of Romantic Period Novel:
This module aims to introduce students to the genre of the Romantic-period novel, structured around a study of a selection of the most popular and important novelists of the day. Although the Romantic period is most commonly associated with poetry, the novel achieved its modern form at this time; the module aims, through close study and comparison, to allow students to chart the evolution of a genre and the establishment of key aspects of the form. We will investigate issues such as sensibility, the romance vs. the novel, the development of modern notions of gender, the relationship between history, culture and the novel, the idea of influence, and other key notions.
RPN Teaching Blog:
Module Description of Romantic and Victorian Ppoetry:
This module focuses on significant poets from the Romantic and Victorian periods and situates their work within the cultural, social, political, economic, scientific and aesthetic debates of the period. You will need to pay close attention to both formal and contextual dimensions of the poems. This is primarily a close-reading module, however, and the focus is always the poems. The set texts are nearly all in the anthologies, except for one or two, which can be accessed by clicking on the links on the set texts page. You are welcome and encouraged to read other poems written in the period 1780-1900 in addition to the set texts.
RVP Teaching Blog:
For all other information, please either refer to the English and Comparative Literary Studies website:
or email me at: or
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818)
Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840)