Nazry Bahrawi
PhD Research
- Sacred Impulses, Sacrilegious Worlds: Utopian Desire and Secular Philosophy in the Fictions of Graham Greene and Naguib Mahfouz
- Prof. Susan Bassnett, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
- Comparative Literature: Malay and Indonesian (2011/12). Malay Language and Literature, SIM University, Singapore.
- Islam and the Malays (2011). Malay Language and Literature, SIM University, Singapore.
- Religion and Culture in the Modern World (2011). College of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Modes of Reading (2010/11). Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, UK.
Conferences and Lectures
- "Islam and the Civil State: Egypt's post-revolution Ikhwan from the lens of Indonesia's civil Islam". The Arab Uprisings and the Future of Islamic Political Thought, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 29 May 2012.
- "Let a Hundred Flowers Blossom: From the Jasmine Revolution to the Quiet Springs of Asean". The Arab Uprisings One Year Later: Examining the Possibilities and Risks, Middle East Institute, The Hilton Singapore, 24-25 May 2012.
- "Robohnya Surau Kami: Malay Literature or Global Literature?", CITA: Seni dan Sastera, The Arts House Singapore, 18 Feb 2012.
- "The Middle East and Asia". Introduction to the Contemporary Middle East Lecture Series, Middle East Institute, Tembusu College, National University of Singapore, 14 Feb 2012.
- "The post-9/11 Discourse on Moderate Islam in South-east Asia". 9/11 A Decade Later: Case Closed?, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 12 Sep 2011.
- "History, Narrative and the Muslim Other: Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist as a 'counterhistory' to post-9/11 Islamophobia". The Hospitable Text: New Approaches to Religion and Literature Conference, London Notre Dame Centre, 14-16 Jul 2011.
- "Reading the Postsecular in Fiction: The Case for Utopian Theologics", The Contemporary: An International Conference of Literature and the Arts, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 24-26 Jun 2011. (upcoming)
- "Translation as Incest: Ideology, Patronage and Translation in the Malay Translation of Syed Hussein Alatas' The Myth of the Lazy Native". The Fourth Asian Translation Traditions Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 15-17 Dec 2010.
- "The Singapore Story: Time for a Post-Pragmatic Turn?", The Young Singaporeans' Conference 2010, Institute of Policy Studies, Amara Resort Sentosa, 11 Nov 2010.
- "Humanistic Islamism as Non-Western Utopianism: A Comparative Literary Analysis of Its Utopian Impulses in the Fiction of Naguib Mahfouz and Pramoedya Ananta Toer". 2010 International Society of Religion, Literature and Culture (ISRLC) Conference, University of Oxford, 23-26 Sep 2010.
- "Reading 'Other' Utopias: Theorising Religious Utopian Impulse as a Postcolonial Literary Strategy", Sixth Annual Postgraduate Symposium 2010, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, 30 Jun 2010.
- "Islam and the Civil State: Egypt's post-revolution Ikhwan from the lens of Indonesia's civil Islam". The Singapore Middle East Paper Series, Middle East Institute: National University of Singapore, 2012. (upcoming)
- "Incest Performed: The Neocolonial Perversion of Translation in Malaysia". Asian Translation Traditions Series, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. (upcoming)
- "An Interview with Samia Mehrez"
. Asymptote: An International Journal on Literary Translation, October 2011.
- "Theorising Translation with Susan Bassnett"
. Asymptote: An International Journal on Literary Translation, April 2011.
- "Fictionalising the Utopian Impulse as Postsecular Islam: An East-West Odyssey"
. Literature and Theology, Oxford Journals: Oxford, September 2011.
- "The Utopian Conundrum: Between Ideals and Reality"
, Thinking Aloud, Department of History, University of Warwick, 6 Oct 2010.
- "Faiths as Narratives"
, Thinking Aloud, Department of History, University of Warwick, 10 Sep 2010.
- "Is Bosnian Islam going the way of Malaysia?".
The Guardian, 5 Oct 2010.
- "In Park51, America Faces its Indonesia Moment"
. Today, 28 Aug 2010.
- "Malaysia's Got (Islamic) Talent"
. The Guardian, 3 Aug 2010.
- "Can Malaysia's Islamic Gold Dinar Thwart Capitalism?"
. The Guardian, 17 Jul 2010.
- "Singapore's fragile harmony threatened"
. The Guardian, 22 Jun 2010.
- "Singapore's Godly Impulses"
. OpinionAsia, 25 Feb 2010.
- "Osama's greenspeak
". The Guardian, 5 Feb 2010.
- "Malaysia's War of Words over God"
. The Guardian, 21 Jan 2010.
- "Helping Islam's Green Shoots Grow"
. The Guardian, 17 Nov 2009.
- "What Price Freedom?"
. The Journal, 12 Mar 2009.
- "Can a Woman Head a Muslim Family?"
. Today, 18 Aug 2007.
- "Unearthing Pope's Real Message"
. Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, 22 Sep 2006.
- "Squats, Pig Heads and Malaysia's Worry"
. Today, 8 Dec 2005.
- "The Islam Industry: Beware the Dangers of Commodification"
. Khaleej Times, 24 Jul 2005.
- "Islam Still Has Room for Thought"
. The Bangkok Post, 13 Jun 2005.
- "Waking Up to Gender Justice"
. The Bangkok Post, 21 Apr 2005.
- "Strata"
. Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Vol. 8 No. 3 Jul 2009.
- "(Dis)solving Identity Politics of Southeast Asian Muslims". Stitching the Wound: Arahmaini in Bangkok
, Jim Thompson Foundation: Bangkok, 2006. (Chapter)
- Islamic Thinkers, Ed: Mariani Yahya, Islamic Religious Council of Singapore: Singapore, 2005. (Translator)
- Interview Editor, Asymptote: An International Journal on Literary Translation
, 2011/Present.
- Op-ed Editor, The Brunei Times newspaper, 2006/07.
- Managing Editor, The Muslim Reader magazine, 2002/05.
- Founding Editor, Qiblaa Online: Singapore's first Muslim community forum, 2002/05.
Academic Scholarships/Honours
- British Chevening Scholarship, 2008/09.
- SIM University (UniSIM) Student Ambassador, 2008/09.
- The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore Postgraduate Study Grant, 2009/10.
- Muhammadiyah Ibnu Sina Study Award, 2010/11.