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History News

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British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships applications 2023-2024 now open

The Department of History at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce that the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme is now open and welcomes expressions of interest. More information available here.

For an outline of the process and required documents visit:

Note that Warwick's internal deadline for receiving the materials is 28th August.

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 10:21 | Tags: Postdoctoral Competition Announcement Faculty of Arts

Inaugural Eutopia Summer School on the history of violence in Dresden

The inaugural Eutopia Summer School on the history of violence is taking place at TU Dresden from 2-8 July 2023. The school is aimed primarily at undergraduates about to enter their final year of study and will enable exploration of themes such as:

  • Historiography of Violence
  • Gendered Violence
  • Colonial Violence
  • Violence in Political Discourse
  • Representing Violence
  • Drink-Related Violence

Born out of the longstanding relationship between Warwick and Dresden, the summer school is run by scholars from both institutions, providing students access to world-class research and teaching. An amazing opportunity and we wish them well this week!


Mon 03 Jul 2023, 13:02 | Tags: Teaching, Undergraduate, Faculty of Arts

A very warm welcome to the 20 Ukrainian Students visiting the department

The History Department are delighted to be co-hosting 20 students from the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv with the English Department, from 12 - 25 June. Professor Christoph Mick has helped organise a Summer School for the students with lots of amazing teaching and social events planned.

The students have arrived on campus for their first day and we hope they have a wonderful few weeks in the Faculty!


Mon 12 Jun 2023, 14:05 | Tags: Announcement Faculty of Arts

Roberta Bivins and Mathew Thomson to give the Ben Pimlott Memorial Lecture 2023

Professor Roberta Bivins and Professor Mathew Thomson will present this year's Ben Pimlott Memorial Lecture 2023 on an NHS theme in July.

Anniversary Fever? History and the Culture of Celebrating the Age of the NHS will take place on Thursday 6th July 2023, 6pm-8.30pm BST at Anatomy Theatre & Museum, Strand London, WC2R 2LS

For tickets and more information, please visit the event page.

About the Ben Pimlott Memorial Lecture

The Ben Pimlott Lecture is hosted by Twentieth Century British History, OUP Journals and King's Contemporary British History. This lecture series was established in 2006 in honour of the late Ben Pimlott and in association with the Institute of Contemporary British History, with which Ben had close ties. Each lecture is published in the journal and is available free online.

Tue 06 Jun 2023, 14:29 | Tags: Lecture Announcement Faculty of Arts

Horizons shortlisted for the 2023 BSHS Hughes Prize

Horizons: A Global History of Science (Penguin, 2022) by Dr James Poskett has been shortlisted for the 2023 British Society for the History of Science Hughes Prize.

 The Hughes Prize "is awarded every two years to the best book in the history of science (broadly construed) published in English which is accessible to a wide audience of non-specialists.”

Horizons Hughes Prize poster

Tue 23 May 2023, 12:04 | Tags: Announcement Publication Faculty of Arts

Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence good news!

Congratulations to James Poskett and Niels Boender for making the 2023 shortlist for the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (Arts Faculty & PGR). Well deserved recognition of brilliant teaching! The winners will be announced on 27 June 2023.

Thu 06 Apr 2023, 15:22 | Tags: Teaching, Postgraduate, Faculty of Arts

Applications for Leverhulme Early Careers Fellowships for 2023/2024 entry now open

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Warwick encourages outstanding postdoctoral scholars to apply to The Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship scheme, for Fellowships hosted at Warwick starting in the 2023/24 academic year. Please note that initial applications need to be sent to Colette Kelly, Research Support Officer for the Faculty of Arts ( by 3pm on Friday 25th November 2022 containing the following information:

  • A short description of their project (maximum 2 A4 pages)
  • A copy of their CV (maximum 2 A4 pages)
  • The name of their proposed mentor at the University of Warwick
  • The name of three referees (please note that referees will not need to provide a statement for the internal selection round).
Wed 16 Nov 2022, 09:35 | Tags: Postdoctoral Research Funding Faculty of Arts

Article by Dr Simon Peplow about the police and "institutional racism"

Dr Simon Peplow has written an article about the police and "institutional racism" for The Conversation, please see further details at:,

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