Dr Jane Hand
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H448, fourth floor of the Humanities Building Extension 024 7657 3938 Ext. 73938 J.Hand@warwick.ac.uk |
I am a Research Fellow for the Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 'The Cultural History of the NHS' in the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick. I completed my PhD in 2015, which analysed the role and function of visual images in constructing knowledge about healthy eating and disease prevention in postwar Britain. I research public health and health education in Britain with a focus on the visual components of health campaigning, chronicity and the place of prevention.I am currently writing a monograph that examines the role of the food industry and retailers in selling particular forms of healthy behaviours to the public. It emphasises the increasing interconnectedness of health policy, NHS nutritional guidance and the rise of health consumerism since the 1970s.
Academic Profile
- 2017: Wellcome Trust Secondment Fellow at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Westminster
- 2016-2019: Research Fellow for the Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 'The Cultural History of the NHS', University of Warwick
- 2015-2016: One-Year Research Fellow for the Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 'The Cultural History of the NHS', University of Warwick
- 2013-2014: Curator and Exhibition Coordinator, Healing Arts, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
- 2012-2013: Seminar Tutor for 'Making of the Modern World', History Department, University of Warwick
- 2011-2015: PhD, History Department, University of Warwick funded by a Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship
- 2010-2011: MA Social and Cultural History of Medicine, University College Dublin, funded by a Wellcome Trust Masters Award
- 2007-2010: BA Single Subject History Major, University College Dublin
- Hand, Jane, ‘The NHS on Film: Health Care, Technological Modernity and the Citizen in the National Health Campaign of 1948’ (In preparation for submission to Twentieth Century British History).
- Hand, Jane ‘Divesting from Dentistry?: The NHS and the rise of Dental Health Education Campaigning, 1951-1989 (In preparation for submission to the American Journal of Public Health: Public Health Then and Now).
- Hand, Jane, ‘Tucking in your tummy isn’t the answer!’: visualising obesity as a public health concern in 1970s and 1980s Britain’, in Mark Jackson and Martin Moore (eds) Balancing the Self: Medicine, Politics and the Regulation of Health in the Twentieth Century, (Forthcoming: Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018).
- Hand, Jane, ‘Marketing Margarine: Advertising, Gender and Healthy Eating in Britain from 1954-c.2000’, Contemporary British History 31:4 (2017), 477-500.
- Hand, Jane, ‘Envisaging State Healthcare: A Visual Investigation into Irish Public Health Campaigns 1945-1958: The depiction of fantasy or reality?’ The Oculus Journal, The Virginia Journal of Undergraduate Research, Fall 2010, Universitas 21 Issue.
Conference Contributions and Talks
- Jane Hand (2018), 'Fatness begins at home': Obesity and Food Choice on Film in Britain, 1960s-1980s', Visual History in the Twentieth Century: Bodies, Practices and Emotions Spring School, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin.
- Jane Hand (2018), 'Health on the High Street: Consumerism, the NHS and Low-Fat Diets in Britain since the 1970s', Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland Seminar Series, University College Dublin.
- Jane Hand (2017), ‘‘Teeth Matter’: Dental Health Education and the NHS, 1960s-1990s’, New Histories of the Health Care System in Modern Britain, University of Warwick.
- Jane Hand (2017), Eating as Treating: Food choice, public health and disease prevention in postwar Britain’, Food Anxieties Conference, University of Ulster, Belfast Campus.
- Jane Hand (2016), Film Evening: '"I go when I go, don't I?" Health promotion on film in the long 1980s', London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Jane Hand (2016), 'Public Health and the NHS in post-war Britain', Joint Workshop with Placing the Public, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- Jane Hand (2016), 'Advertising, gender and the place of consumerism in nutrition health education programmes in Britain, 1950s-1980s', Social History of Medicine Biennial Conference, University of Kent
- Jane Hand (2016), 'Preventing Chronic Disease: Health Education, Visual Culture and Self-Care Practices', Balancing the Self Conference, University of Exeter.
- Jane Hand (2016), 'See Your Dentist Regularly'?: Health Education, Citizenship and the NHS in 1950s and 1960s Britain', Social History Society Conference, Lancaster University.
- Jane Hand (2015), 'Screening the National Health Service: Approaching a Cultural History through Moving Pictures', Centre for History in Public Health Seminar Series, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- Jane Hand (2015), Marketing Margarine in Postwar Britain: Advertising, Gender and the Place of Healthy Eating, Centre for Medical History Seminar Series, University of Exeter.
- Jane Hand (2015), 'Your Health and the Food You Eat’: Marketing Margarine and Visualising Health in Postwar Britain, Food as Medicine: Historical Perspectives Conference, Dublin City University at Edward Worth Library.
- Jane Hand (2014), ‘Marketing Marge: The Rise of the General Health Claim in Postwar Britain’, Café Scientifique - December Meeting, Leamington Spa.
- Jane Hand (2013), ‘From ‘Look after Yourself’ to ‘Look After Your Heart’: the role of nutrition and consumerism within health education in the UK, 1973-1991’, Anglo-American Conference for Historians: Food in History, Institute of Historical Research, London.
- Jane Hand (2013), ‘Diet, Disease Prevention and Visual Culture in Postwar Britain’, Nutritional Guidelines and Standards: Past and Present Perspectives Conference, University of York.
- Jane Hand (2012), 'You Are What You Eat: Chronic Disease, Consumerism and Health Education in Postwar Britain', University of Warwick History Postgraduate Conference, University of Warwick.
- Jane Hand (2012), ‘The Crusade to 'Conquer Cancer': Public and Voluntary Health Education Initiatives in the Campaign against Lung Cancer in Ireland, 1958-1978', British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference, University of Warwick.
- Jane Hand (2011), 'Envisioning Health: A Visual Investigation into Irish Public Health Campaigns, 1945-1958', History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin.
- Jane Hand (2010), Envisaging State Healthcare: A Visual Investigation into Irish Public Health Campaigns 1945-1958: The depiction of fantasy or reality? Faculty of Imagining U21 Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia.