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Dr ZHU Jing

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Postdoctoral Fellowship

Room: H346 Humanities Building


Academic Profile

PhD of History, University of Edinburgh, 2018

UK-China Rutherford Curatorial Research Fellow, Science Museum, London (2018, 02- 2018, 07)

Fellow of Forum Transregional Studies, Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2018-2019)



Visualising Ethnicity in the Southwest Borderlands: Gender and Representation in Late Imperial and Republican China (Leiden: Brill, 2020)

Peer-Reviewed articles, “Empire and Visual Pleasure: Reinterpreting the Miao Albums of Yunnan and Guizhou,” British Journal of Chinese Studies, 8, 2 (2018): 29-62.

“Visualising Human Differences in Late Imperial China: Body, Nakedness and Sexuality,” Ming Qing Studies, 23, 1 (2019): 169-198.