Academic Profile
- MA, DPhil Oxford, FRHisS
- Emeritus Reader, Warwick University History Department
UG Teaching
- Germany in the Age of the Reformation
- History of Europe 1500-1720
PG Teaching
- The Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Germany
Selected Publications
- The Government of the Rhine Palatinate in the Fifteenth Century (1965 & 1991), translated as Die Herrschaft in der Pfalz am Rhein im 15. Jahrhundert (2013)
- Ed., Government in Reformation Europe, 1520-1560 (1971)
- 'Theodor Herzl's conversion to Zionism,' Jewish Social Studies, 32 (1970)
- 'Anticlericalism in the German Peasants' War 1525,' Past & Present, 83 (1979)
- 'The territorial princes in Germany's Second Reformation, 1559-1622,' in International Calvinism, 1541-1715, ed. M. Prestwich (1985)
- 'Church property in the German Protestant principalities,' in Politics and Society in Reformation Europe, ed. E Kouri & T. Scott (London, 1987)
- 'Changing places: peasants and clergy 1525,' in Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. P.A. Dykema & H.A. Oberman (1993)
- 'Did bribes induce the German electors to choose Charles V as Emperor in 1519?,' German History, 19 (2001)
- Ed., Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 6 vols (2002-07)
- 'The electors and imperial Rule at the end of the fifteenth century', in Representations of Power in Medieval Germany, ed. S.Maclean & B. Weiler (2006)
- Chapters in The European World 1500 – 1800. An Introduction to Early Modern History, ed. by B. Kümin (2009, 2nd edn 2014)
- 'Representing political space at a political site: the imperial diets of the sixteenth century', in Political Space in Pre-industrial Europe, ed. by B. Kümin (2009)
- 'Jewish Self-Governing Assemblies in Early Modern Central Europe', in Parliaments: the Law, the Practice and the Representations. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day, ed. M. H. da Cruz Coelho & M. M. Tavares Ribeiro (2010)
- 'The Political Culture of the Imperial Diet as Reflected in Reformation-Era Diaries', in The Cortes of Cadiz and Parliamentary History, ed. D. Repeto García (2012)
Research Interests
- The German Peasants War 1524-26
- Political and social history of the Holy Roman Empire 1350-1600