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Dr Doreen Kembabazi

Office Office Hours Email Phone

Monday 2:00-3:00 (online/Teams): Tuesday 11:00-12:00 (in person) TBC

Academic Profile:

  • Assistant Professor, University of Warwick, UK, 2022-
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ghent, Belgium 2020-2022
  • Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA, 2012-2020
  • PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA, Awarded 2020

I’m a historian of colonial and post colonial Africa. I hold a PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (2020). My work addresses the themes of gender and sexuality, urbanisation and cosmopolitanism, ethnicity, political culture, nationalism, state violence and slavery. I investigate medical and legal discourses and practices, and cultural conventions established to respond to the non-conforming Ugandans or ‘problem’ populations including women, youth, and formerly enslaved people.

Research and public engagement

· Collaborator (formerly postdoc researcher) on a European Research Council-funded project ‘The Aftermath of Slavery in East Africa: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Eastern Congo.’—Prof. Felicitas Becker (PI), University of Ghent, Belgium

· Invited member of the Early Career Forum on AHRC project ‘Inventing Reproductive Rights: Sex, Bodies and Population 1945-1995’ – Prof. Maud Bracke (PI), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

· Collaborator on Archives restoration projects in Uganda funded by University of Michigan African Studies Center, Mellon foundation; led by Prof. Derek Peterson: Archives catalogues can be found here:

· Country Expert (Uganda Asylum seekers)- Justice Center Hong Kong

Undergraduate Teaching:

A History of Africa from 1800 (HI177)

Postgraduate Teaching:

'Decolonising Gender and Sexuality' in HI966 Themes and Approaches to the Historical Study of Gender and Sexuality.

Forthcoming Book and Article Projects

· Book Manuscript: The State of Morality: Sexual, Reproductive and Sartorial Politics in Idi Amin’s Uganda: I use a wide range of archival documents, some of them newly discovered, and oral histories to investigate how and why legal regimes, cultural conventions and medical practices were created to regiment and control (women’s) sexuality, mobility, and self-expression through fashion. The book examines how state and non-state in the 1960s and 70s sought to control access to global ideas and resources while tapping into them for their own agendas. Book chapters cover themes such as gender and sexuality, public health, civil society, fashion, dress and cosmopolitanism, governmentality, violence, and nation-building.

· Article: 'Austerity, Experimentation and Opposition: The Global and Local Politics of Biomedical Contraception in Uganda' examines Ugandan and international actors’ anxieties about global overpopulation, demographic changes in Uganda, social and political reproduction, and medical ethics.

· Article: 'Locating slavery in post-abolition Uganda': The article focuses on discourses and legal systems established to respond to the problem of “independent” and “rootless” people following abolition of slavery.

Doreen Kembabazi