Dr Sophie Mann
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Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: |
Rm 3.53, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building 024 76572794, internal extension 72794 S.Mann.2@warwick.ac.uk Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 (online); Thursdays 10:00-11:00 (in person) |
Academic Profile
- 2018 onwards: Assistant Professor in the History of Medicine, University of Warwick
- 2015-2018: Teaching Fellow in the History of Science and Medicine, University of Warwick
- 2014-2015: Lecturer in Early Modern History, University of Essex
- HI3T3 The Early Modern Body (undergraduate final-year option module)
- HI281 Being Human: Human Nature from the Renaissance to Freud (undergraduate second-year option module)
- HI907 Themes and Methods in Medical History (MA core module)
- HI991 Matters of Life and Death: Topics in the Medical Humanities (MA module)
My research interests lie in the history of science, medicine and religion, focusing on the interactions between these realms of belief and practice c.1500-1800. My current project explores the socio-cultural aspects of dissection practices beyond the well-studied context of university instruction. I am particularly eager to explore the meanings such anatomies acquired in the context of changing attitudes towards death, the body and the soul. I am also completing a book manuscript on religion and medicine in Reformation England. The work seeks incorporate the notion of 'double care' into our thinking about early modern medical treatment. ‘Double care’ was a term employed by laypeople and practitioners alike, and was used to characterise the healing process, which involved concurrent attendance upon the souls and bodies of patients.
- Double Nature, Double Care: Religion and Medicine in Early Modern England (forthcoming with Manchester University Press).
- “A Double Care: Prayer as Therapy in Early Modern England”, Social History of Medicine, 33, 4 (2020): 1055–1076 https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkz016.
- “Physic and Divinity: The Case of Dr John Downes M.D. (1627-1694)”, The Seventeenth Century 31, 4 (2016): 451-
470. - “A Dose of Physic: Confessional Identity and Medical Practice within the Family”, Studies in Church History, Volume 50: Religion and the Household, eds. John Doran and Charlotte Methuen (Woodbridge, 2014).
- Review of Anne Stobart, Household Medicine in Seventeenth-Century England (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016), English Historical Review.
- Review of Isla Fay, Health and the City: Disease, Environment and Government in Norwich, 1200-1575 (Boydell Press, 2015), English Historical Review.
- Review of Gary B. Ferngren, Medicine and Religion: A Historical Introduction (John Hopkins University Press, 2014), IHR Reviews in History.
- Review of Sarah Apetrei and Hannah Smith (eds), Religion and Women in Britain, c. 1660–1760 (Ashgate, 2014), Women’s History Review.