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Coventry Bibliography

This is a list of existing works which explore Coventry's rich and diverse history. It is mainly drawn from the collections currently held at the main university library or at Coventry Archives. It is by no means complete and we welcome any suggestions regarding additional works to include.


The main project output will be a series of biographies exploring the lives of Coventry citizens from the medieval to the modern. These will be mapped onto physical locations throughtout the city. As a taste of what is to come we have created two sample biographies.

Links to other local projects

A list of other projects, organisations and resources devoted to revealing the city's past. We envisage Coventry Lives being a highly collaborative project and hope to work with as many similarly minded groups as possible.

Oral histories

The project will undertake an extensive oral history project exploring life in twentieth and twenty-first century Coventry.

Teaching materials

Working in partnership with the Centre for Teacher Excellence, the project will create a range of educational resources to help local schools incorporate local history into their teaching.

Training materials for community historians

The project aims to encourage Coventry residents to become actively involved in researching their own local histories and uploading them to the Coventry Lives web platform. To enable this we will create a range of training guides and activities.