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Themes and Methods in Medical History (HI907)

Module Convenor 2024-25
Dr Elise Smith
Context of Module
Module Aims
Outline Syllabus
Other Information
Context of Module

This is the core module for the MA in the History of Medicine. The module, taught in the Autumn term, may also be taken by students on the MA in History, the MA in Modern History, and other taught Master's students within or outside the History Department. In 2024-2025, the module will take a methodological slant, helping students to build not only their familiarity with core topics in the history of medicine as we teach and research it here at Warwick, but with both established and more innovative tools in use across this expansive and often interdisciplinary field.

Module Aims

This module is designed to introduce students to both major developments in medical thought and practice AND the main methodological approaches and debates used within the field of the history of medicine. In 2023-2024, we will root our learning in the global early modern and modern periods, coming right up to the present. The module will invite students to think comparatively about medicine across geographies and across cultures. The module focuses on the evolution of ideas, practices, substances and technologies within medicine, the reception of these new approaches and lay responses to them, the structure of medical practice, and the scientific, social, and cultural context of health interventions. Students are encouraged to situate medical practice in a broad historical and theoretical context, and to frame discussions in seminars through reading a series of germinal texts in the field. This module also provides the opportunity to explore sources available to the historian of medicine (e.g. medical texts, practice and case records, diaries, public health reports and health propaganda, oral histories, and visual sources: art, architecture, film/TV and photography). The module is team-taught, drawing on the full range of expertise and approaches encompassed by the Centre for the History of Medicine and the wider Department of History.

Syllabus 2024-5

Weekly seminar attendance is compulsory. The webpages linked below offer a brief introduction to each topic, and questions to be addressed. You should consider these questions (and formulate your own) while you read the core reading in advance of the seminars and be prepared to offer your opinion. You are also required to attend the CHM Works in Progress and Research seminars (details forthcoming). We also strongly encourage students to join us for the Department Seminar Series, which take place four times per term. For further details, see the CHM and History Department websites.

Week 1: Introductory Session (Elise Smith)

Week 2: Science and Medicine (Michael Bycroft)

Week 3: Early Modern Bodies (Sophie Mann)

Week 4: The Rise of Experience in Early Modern Medicine (Claudia Stein)

Week 5: Empires of Medical 'Discovery'? (Roberta Bivins, adapted from Jamie Banks)

Week 6: Reading Week (no seminar)

Week 7: Medicine and the Empire in Africa or African Agency, Indigenous medicine and the professionalisation of Modern Medicine (Doreen Kembabazi) (Seminar will take place on Friday, 15 November, 10am-12pm--location TBC)

Week 8: A Sciences of the Mind: Histories of Psy and Mental Health (Mathew Thomson)

Week 9: Medicine, Biomedicine, and Surveillance Capitalism (Roberta Bivins)

Week 10: Conclusions: Taking the 'Turns' in the history of medicine (Elise Smith)


Core reading and further reading will be set for each session. Students are required to read the core reading and recommended to dip into (read one or two items) from the further or background reading lists before each seminar. The further readings will also provide material for essays. Room 3.45 (Hub C) of the FAB also houses a small collection of key books, which you can borrow or use in this room when it is not otherwise in use. Most required readings will be available on line or scanned.


Students are assessed on the basis of two pieces of work:

  • An essay plan and annotated bibliography of 1,500 words; and
  • An essay of 4,500 words.

--> Both will be due on dates specified by Tabula.

The first assessment will focus on developing and honing your skills in preparation for writing longer essays over the course of the MA programme. You will develop a question that would allow you to explore an approach or source type commonly used in the history of medicine, and sketch out your argument, as well as identifying the types of primary and secondary sources you might use. We will discuss this in week 2, and you can read more here.

Drawing on the feedback you receive for this essay plan, your final essay will either develop from one of the module’s weekly themes or build toward your dissertation topic. Note that students interested in writing their longer essay with their dissertations in mind should consult with the module convenor well before the essay deadline.

Other Information

Look out for emails about history of medicine activities in the Centre. You will also be able to keep in touch with what’s happening in the Centre through our website:



Information  for 2024-25

Elise Smith (module convenor); Roberta Bivins; Michael Bycroft; Doreen Kembabazi; Sophie Mann; Claudia Stein; Mathew Thomson,

Term Autumn
Tutorial Time




FAB 3.28