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Research Workshop Resources

On this page, you will find an array of websites, databases and digital resources the help you with your research.

1. Focus on film

Wellcome Library You Tube Channel, and specific historical films

War Neuroses (1917)

Asylum (1972 )

National Library of Medicine (USA) You Tube Channel 

The Public Health Film Goes to War

There Will be Light (1946):

2. General resources, History of Medicine

Wellcome Collections:

National Library of Medicine (USA) Digital Collections:

Medical Heritage Library:

History of Medicine objects at the Science Museum (London): Search collections

2a: Special Topics

Eugenics Archives


Cold Spring Harbor 

Eugenics Movement


Codebreakers For the archives of the UK Eugenics Society and other milestones in the history of eugenics and genetics. Complete writings of Francis Galton (1822-1911), founder of the eugenics movement

Renaissance Medicine

Contagion Historical Views of Diseases and Epidemics, Harvard Open Collections

Anatomia Collection Anatomical Plates 1522-1867

Vesalius' Fabrica (1543) online:

Germ Theory and Public Health

Filth and Fever British Library Sources

Germ Theory Harvard Open Collections

Public Health Wellcome Collections guide

London's Pulse: The Medical Officer of Health Reports, 1848-1972 Wellcome Library

Selected sources on British Healthcare, 1900-1948 Warwick Modern Records Centre

Madness and Confinement

Ticehurst Asylum Records Online Wellcome Digital Collections

Background reading

Diseases of the Mind: American Psychiatry to 1900 National Library of Medicine

Journal of Mental Science, 1857-1962 (connect via Warwick Library)

British Journal of Psychiatry, 1855-present (connect via Warwick Library)

The NHS:

The People's History of the NHS Virtual Museum

The Formation of the National Health Service Warwick Modern Records Centre

3. Important Scholarly Databases (available from the Warwick Library database collection via main Library webpage):


Project Muse

Science Direct

NewsFilm Online

Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers

Nineteenth Century British Newspapers

Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets Online

ProQuest Periodicals Archive Online

4. Specific Newspapers and Journals (available from the Warwick Library database collection)

New Statesman Archive

Daily Mail Historical Archive

ProQuest Historical Newspapers (Guardian and Observer)

Times Digital Archive

Times of India

British Medical Journal (through JSTOR)

The Lancet

5. US Collections

Chronicling America (US Historical Newspapers, 1836-1922)

Library of Congress Digital Collections

Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office:

And the rest...

The Internet Archive

ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online), via Library Catalogue

Warwick Historical Databases (via the library catalogue):