List of Abbreviations
AHR - American Historical Review
Annales Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (to 1993)
Annales: histoire, sciences sociales (from 1994)
ARG - Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte/Archive for Reformation History
BIHR - [Bulletin of the Institute of] Historical Research
BJRL - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
CH - Church History
EHR - English Historical Review
EconHR - Economic History Review
HJ - Historical Journal
HT - History Today
Ibid. ibidem (in the same place, journal, book)
JEMH - Journal of Early Modern History
JEH - Journal of Ecclesiastical History
JEconH - Journal of Economic History
JMH - Journal of Modern History
NCMH - New Cambridge Modern History
PER - Parliaments, Estates and Representation
P&P - Past and Present (also in SRC)
RH - Revue Historique
SCH - Studies in Church History (a series of essay collections)
SCJ - Sixteenth Century Journal
TRHS - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society