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Crossing Boundaries and Breaking Norms in the Medieval World (HI2E9)

Module Convenor: Prof. Penny Roberts

Seminar tutors: Penny Roberts (PR), Natalie Hanley-Smith (NH-S)

Lectures: Mondays 11-12 PS1.28 (Physical Sciences)

Seminars: Tue 10-11, FAB 4.73 (PR); Tue 11-12, H2.03 (PR); Tue 3-4pm, FAB 2.34 (PR); Thurs 4-5pm, H0.02 (NH-S); Thurs 5-6pm, FAB3.33 (NH-S)

This 30 CATS second-year undergraduate module provides a thematic introduction to European history of the later medieval and Renaissance periods. The module syllabus includes topics on economic life, religious life and spirituality, gender relations and the family, intellectual life and education, the Black Death, visual culture, politics and war. We will be thinking about how medieval social norms were defined in a broad range of contexts, examining the treatment of various groups such as prostitutes, cross-dressers and heretics. How were norms upheld at times crisis when the social order was threatened? How were rule-breakers treated? We will also look at people who crossed physical boundaries, thinking about travel and cultural contact. Original documents form an integral part of the module. This module is compulsory for all single-honours History students who select the 'Renaissance and Modern History' pathway, and is an option for other second-year undergraduate students.

By the end of this module students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Medieval World between c.800 and c.1500
  • Demonstrate the development of study, writing, and communication skills
  • Assess critically a wide range of secondary material and a selection of primary sources
  • Formulate and test concepts and hypotheses
  • Demonstrate the ability to access and use the wealth of information and resources on the internet

For further details of this module, please see:


Medieval Marriage

Courtly Love