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Venice in an Age of Global Trade

General Reading

Contadini, Anna, and Claire Norton (eds), The Renaissance and the Ottoman World (Farnham, 2013)

Dini, Bruno, Saggi su una economia-mondo: Firenze e l'Italia fra Mediterraneo ed Europa secc. XIII-XVI (Pisa, 1995)

Molà, Luca, Reinhold C. Mueller, and Claudio Zanier (eds), La seta in Italia dal Medioevo al Seicento: Dal baco al drappo (Venice, 2000)

Wansbrough, John, 'Venice and Florence in the Mamluk Commercial PrivilegesLink opens in a new window', Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 28/3 (1965), 483-52. JSTOR


Apellániz, Francisco, 'Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval MediterraneanLink opens in a new window', Journal of Interdisciplinary History 44 (2013), 157-79

Arbel,Benjamin, 'Venice's Maritime Empire in the Early Modern Period', in Eric R. Dursteler (ed.), A Companion to Venetian History 1400-1797 (Leiden, 2013), pp. 125-253. Brill e-book

Ashtor, E., 'Profits from Trade with the Levant in the Fifteenth Century'Link opens in a new window, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 38/2 (1975), 250-75. JSTOR

Beck, H.-G, et al. (eds), Venezia. Centro di Mediazione tra Oriente e Occidente (secoli XV- XVI). Aspetti e Problemi (Florence, 1977)

Borelli, G. (ed.), Mercanti e vita economica nella Repubblica veneta (secoli XIII-XVIII) (Verona, 1985)

Calabi, Donatella, ‘Gli stranieri e la città’, in Storia di Venezia, vol. 5, Il Rinascimento. Società ed economia, ed. Alberto Tenenti and Ugo Tucci (Rome, 1996)

Carboni, Stefano (ed.), Venice and the Islamic World, 828-1797 (New Haven, 2007)

Christ, Georg, 'Masked Cooperation with the Infidel? The Venetian Commercial Privileges, Political Power, and Legal Culture in Mamlûk EgyptLink opens in a new window', in Ausma Cimdina and Jonathan Osmond (eds), Power and Culture. Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent (Pisa, 2006)

Cowan, Alexander, 'Foreigners and the City: The Case of the Immigrant Merchant,' in Mediterranean Urban Culture, ed. A. Cowan (Exeter, 2000), 45-55.

Cozzi, G., (ed.), Gli ebrei e Venezia secoli XIV-XVIII (Milan, 1987)

Davis, Robert C., and Benjamin Ravid, (eds), The Jews of Early Modern Venice (Baltimore, 2001)

Dursteler, Eric R., 'The Bailo in Constantinople: Crisis and Career in Venice's Early Modern Diplomatic CorpsLink opens in a new window', Mediterranean Historical Review 16/2 (2001), 1-30.

Dursteler, Eric R., Venetians in Constantinople: Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean (Baltimore, 2006)

Fusaro, Maria, Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England 1450–1700Link opens in a new window (Cambridge, 2015)

Jacoby, David, 'Silk Economics and Cross-Cultural Artistic Interaction: Byzantium, the Muslim World, and the Christian West'Link opens in a new window, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 (2004), 197-240. JSTOR

Judde de Lariviere, Claire, 'The "Public" and the "Private" in Sixteenth-century Venice: From Medieval Economy to Early Modern StateLink opens in a new window', Historical Social Research 37/4 (2012), 76-94.

Lanaro, Paola, (ed.), At the centre of the old world: trade and manufacturing in Venice and on the Venetian mainland (1400-1800) (Toronto, 2006)

Lane, F.C., Venice and History (Baltimore, 1966)

Lane, F.C., Venice: A Maritime RepublicLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 1973)

Lowry, M.J.C., Power, Print and Profit: Nicholas Jenson and the Rise of Venetian Publishing in Renaissance Europe (Oxford, 1990)

Lowry, M.J.C., Link opens in a new windowVenetian Capital, German Technology and Renaissance Culture in the Later Fifteenth CenturyLink opens in a new window, Renaissance Studies 2.1 (1988), 1–13.

Lupprian, Karl-Ernst, Il Fondaco dei tedeschi e la sua funzione di controllo del commercio tedesco a Venezia (Venice, 1978)

Molà, Luca, La communità dei Lucchesi a Venezia (Venice, 1994)

Molà, Luca, The Silk Industry of Renaissance VeniceLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 2000) NetLibrary

Munro, John, 'South German Silver, European Textiles, and Venetian Trade with the Levant and Ottoman Empire, c. 1370 to c. 1720: A Non-mercantilist Approach to the Balance of Payments ProblemLink opens in a new window', working paper (University of Toronto, 2006), 1-63.

Mueller, R., ‘Mercanti e imprenditori fiorentini a Venezia nel tardo medioevo’, Società e Storia 54 (1992), 29-60.

Pezzolo, Luciano, The rise and decline of a great power: Venice 1250-1650 (Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari" in its series Working Papers 2006_27)

Preto, P., Venezia e i Turchi (Florence, 1975)

Pullan, Brian S., (ed.), Crisis and change in the Venetian economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (London, 1968)

Ravid, Benjamin, Studies on the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797 (Aldershot, 2003)

Theunissen, Hans, 'Ottoman-Venetian Diplomatics: the Ahd-names. The Historical Background and the Development of a Category of Political-Commercial Instruments together with an Annotated Edition of a Corpus of Relevant DocumentsLink opens in a new window', Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies 1 (1998), no. 2, 1-698.

Van Gelder, Maartje, Trading Places: The Netherlandish Merchants in Early Modern Venice (Leiden, 2009)

Varanini, Gian Maria. and Reinhold C. Mueller (eds), Ebrei nella Terraferma veneta del QuattrocentoLink opens in a new window (Florence, 2005)

Venezia e i Turchi. Scontri e confronti di due civiltà (Milan, 1985)

Venezia e la Germania: Arte, politica, commercio, due civiltà a confronto (Milan, 1987)

Wansbrough, John, 'A Mamluk Ambassador to Venice in 913/1507Link opens in a new window', Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 26/3 (1963), 503-30. JSTOR

Wansbrough, John, 'A Moroccan amir's Commercial Treaty with Venice of the Year 913/1508'Link opens in a new window, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 25/3 (1962), 449-71. JSTOR