Prosperity or hard times?
General Reading
Botticini, Maristella, 'A Tale of "Benevolent" Governments: Private Credit Markets, Public Finance, and the Role of Jewish Lenders in Medieval and Renaissance Italy'Link opens in a new window, The Journal of Economic History 60 (2000), 164-89. JSTOR
Brown, Judith C., 'Prosperity or Hard Times in Renaissance Italy?'Link opens in a new window, Renaissance Quarterly 42 (1989), 761-80. JSTOR
Caferro, William, 'Warfare and economy in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1450', Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 39 (2008): 167-209.
Cipolla, Carlo M., 'Economic Depression of the Renaissance?: I'Link opens in a new window, The Economic History Review, n.s., 16 (1964), 519-24. JSTOR
Franceschi, F., ‘The economy: work and wealth’ in John Najemy (ed.), Italy in the Age of the Renaissance (Oxford, 2004), pp. 124-44.
Goldthwaite, Richard A., Wealth and the demand for art in Italy, 1300-1600 (Baltimore, 1993)
Lopez, Robert S., 'Economic Depression of the Renaissance?: II'Link opens in a new window, The Economic History Review, n.s., 16 (1964), 525-27. JSTOR
Lopez, R. S. , and H. A. Miskimin, 'The Economic Depression of the Renaissance'Link opens in a new window, The Economic History Review, n.s., 14.3 (1962), 408-26. JSTOR
Miskimin, Harry A., 'Economic Depression of the Renaissance?: III'Link opens in a new window, The Economic History Review, n.s., 16 (1964), 528-29. JSTOR
Pezzolo, Luciano, 'La storiografia più recente sulla finanza italiana della prima età moderna: gli studi sulla fiscalitàLink opens in a new window ', Rivista di storia finanziaria 10 (2003), 33-77.
Borelli, Giorgio, Paola Lanaro, and F. Vecchiato (eds), Il sistema fiscale veneto, problemi e aspetti. XV–XVIII secolo (Verona, 1982)
Knapton, Michael, 'La dinamica delle finanze pubbliche', in G. Arnaldi et al. (eds), Storia di Venezia, III. La formazione dello stato patrizio (Rome, 1997), pp. 475-528
Lane, F.C., Venice and History (Baltimore, 1966)
Lane, F.C., Venice: A Maritime RepublicLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 1973)
Lane, F. C., and Reinhold C. Mueller, Money and banking in Medieval and Renaissance VeniceLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 1985)
Luzzatto, G., Storia economica di Venezia
Mola, Luca, The Silk Industry of Renaissance VeniceLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 2000) NetLibrary
Mueller, Reinhold C., The Venetian money market: banks, panics, and the public debt, 1200-1500 (Baltimore, 1997)
Pullan, Brian S., (ed.), Crisis and change in the Venetian economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (London, 1968)