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Please note that due to covid-19 contact should in the first instance be via email, Microsoft Teams or phone. Only visit the office if you have an emergency.

Due to social distancing measures, visits to the office are limited to 10 minutes at a time. If you know you would like longer than this, please email us and we can arrange a Teams meeting with you.

Queries related to Wellbeing

For general queries about wellbeing and support in the department, please refer to Wellbeing and Support section of the Department Handbook. More information is also available on Wellbeing Services

If you have further questions or a concern about…

Your wellbeing or your academic progress, including mitigating circumstances, speak to: 

  • Your personal Tutor

Don’t know who your personal tutor is? You can find this information on your Tabula


The process of applying for mitigation on Tabula and technically difficulties with Tabula, speak to:

  • The Undergraduate Office


Any further queries about wellbeing, speak to:

  • Your Year Senior Tutor


Any further queries about personal tutoring, speak to:

  • Department Senior Tutor


Queries related to Academic Study

Most questions about academic study are answered in the Department Handbook, this includes questions about…


Course Regulations


  • coursework
  • exams
  • marking
  • self-certification and extensions


If you have further questions or any concerns about...

Your seminars or module, speak to:

  • Seminar Tutors/Module Convenor


Final year dissertations, speak to:

  • Dissertation supervisor
  • Director of Final Year Studies


Undergraduate academic study more generally, speak to:

  • Year Directors


Postgraduate study more generally, speak to:

  • PGT/PGR Directors


Administration of module or course, such as questions about Tabula, speak to:

  • Undergraduate History Office
  • Postgraduate History Office


Course-specific questions, speak to:

  • Venice Coordinator
  • Language Coordinator
  • Non-language Coordinator
  • English and History Degree Coordinator
  • Part-time degree Coordinator
  • Director of Study Abroad


Undergraduate academic study more generally, speak to:

  • Year Directors


Postgraduate study more generally, speak to:

  • PGT/PGR Directors


Administration of a module or course, such as questions about Tabula or Moodle, speak to:

  • Undergraduate History Office
  • Postgraduate History Office


Course-specific questions, speak to:

  • Venice Coordinator
  • Language Coordinator
  • Non-language Coordinator
  • English and History Degree Coordinator
  • Part-time degree Coordinator
  • Director of Study Abroad


Other queries or concerns

If you have questions or concerns about…

Events, extracurricular activities, mentorship programmes and opportunities, speak to:

  • Student Engagement Coordinator

More information is also available on the Student Opportunities and the History Student Community Page


Career opportunities and internships, speak to:

  • Senior Careers Consultant

More information is also available on the Careers page


Matters related to equality, diversity, or inclusion in the department, speak to:

  • EDI Director


Year abroad or study abroad, speak to:

  • Director of Study Abroad

More information is also available on the Study Abroad pages.


Overall departmental or university policy, speak to:

  • Head of Department


If your concern has not been resolved or you would like to provide feedback on any aspect of your experience in the department, speak to:

  • Director of Student Experience
  • Your SSLC course representative
  • You can also provide anonymous feedback and comments on any aspect of your experience in the department by using the History Student Experience Feedback Form.


Heads of Department

Head of Department

Professor Rebecca Earle

Overall responsibility for the Department, including all student discipline issues.


Deputy Head of Department (Teaching and Learning)

Professor Sarah Richardson

Overall responsibility for all aspects of teaching and learning in the Department.


Deputy Head of Department (Research)

Professor Mark Philp

Overall responsibility for all aspects of research in the Department.


Senior Tutors

1st Year Senior Tutor

Dr Claudia Stein

Responsible for the personal tutor system and all issues regarding mitigating circumstances affecting student performance.


2nd Year Senior Tutor

Dr Song-Chuan Chen

Responsible for the personal tutor system and all issues regarding mitigating circumstances affecting student performance.


Departmental / Final Year Senior Tutor

Dr Jonathan Davies

Responsible for the personal tutor system and all issues regarding mitigating circumstances affecting student performance. Overall responsibility for senior tutoring.


Directors of Studies

Director of First Year Studies

Professor Beat Kümin

Overall responsibility for all issues relating to first-year study; approver for all essay extension requests for first-year; responsible for recording and reporting on first-year student performance; first-year exams secretary.


Director of Second Year Studies

Dr Simon Peplow

Overall responsibility for all issues relating to second-year study; approver for all essay extension requests for second-year; responsible for recording and reporting on second-year student performance; second-year exams secretary.


Director of Final Year Studies

Dr Lydia Plath

Overall responsibility for all issues relating to final-year study; approver for all essay extension requests for final-year; responsible for recording and reporting on final-year student performance; dissertation coordinator.


Final Year Exams Secretary

Professor Tim Lockley

Overall responsibility for all issues relating to final year examinations and assessments; managements of the final-year exam boards for all History as a home department students.


Specific Course Coordinators

Joint Degrees Coordinator (Language Courses)

Dr Camillia Cowling

Responsible for the French and History, German and History, and History and Italian degree courses.


Joint Degrees Coordinator (Non-Language Courses)

Professor David Lambert

Responsible for the History and Politics, History and Sociology, and History and Philosophy degree courses.


Joint Degrees Coordinator (English and History)

Dr Stuart Middleton

Responsible for the English and History degree course.


Part-Time Degrees Coordinator

Dr Simon Peplow

Responsible for part-time students taking History modules, particularly Historical Studies students.


Director of Study Abroad Programmes

Dr Pierre Purseigle

Responsible for overseeing international opportunities and the Year Abroad programmes available to History and CAS students.


Student Experience

Director of Student Experience and Progression

Dr Meleisa Ono-George

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of student experience and progression; collect, review and respond to student surveys and feedback; develop and improve on strategies and programming to ensure a positive and holistic overall experience for students in the department, including overseeing department strategies to foster student social inclusion, equality and diversity; convenor of the History SSLC.


Student Engagement Co-ordinator

Dr Rosie Doyle

Responsible for the student fellowship programme.


Equality and Diversity Lead

Dr Katayoun Shafiee

Responsible for encouraging equality and diversity across the Department.


Postgraduate Students

Director of Graduate Studies

Professor Mark Knights

Responsible for all postgraduate research students.


Director of Postgraduate Taught Students

Dr Laura Schwartz

Responsible for all MA students and the point of contact for enquiries about Masters degrees in the Department.


Administrative Staff

Departmental Administrator

Claudia Gray

Responsible for overseeing all administrative support.


Academic Administrator

Jennifer Whittam

Responsible for overseeing all academic support matters in relation to taught degrees.


Undergraduate Coordinator (Year abroad; Visiting exchange)

Cerys Rosser

First point of contact for all UG students, visiting exchange students and year abroad programmes.


Undergraduate Coordinator (Student IT systems)

George King

First point of contact for all UG students, and departmental IT systems.


Undergraduate Coordinator (Special Exam Arrangements & Mitigating Circumstances & Disability Contact)

Cerys Rosser

First point of contact for all UG students, special exam arrangements and mitigating circumstances and the disability contact for the Department.


Postgraduate Coordinator

Kay Jones

First point of contact for all PG taught and research students.


Other Staff Contact Details

Academic Staff

Contact details for academic staff including information on their office hours, modules taught and research interests.

Teaching Staff

Contact details for teaching fellows, postdoctoral research fellows teaching modules and graduate teaching assistants.

Administrative staff

Contact details for undergraduate, postgraduate and research administrative staff



Welfare and Support

PhD Activities and Information

Upgrade Examination

Your Thesis and Viva Voce

Personal Development

Help Beyond the Department

Student Voice

Careers and Life beyond PhD