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Zhen Yang

Zhen YangPhD Translation & Transcultural Studies

Email: zhen dot yang dot 3 at warwick dot ac dot uk


I'm a third-year PhD student in Translation and Transcultural Studies at the Universtiy of Warwick, under the supervision of Prof. Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Prof. Jo AngouriLink opens in a new window (Department of Applied Linguistics).


My PhD project is a Collaborative Doctoral Award funded by Midland4Cities. It compares a UK-based programme World University Service Scholarship Programmes for Ethiopians and Eritreans with current practice of a London-based NGO named ReConnect. The project focuses on refugees’ narratives of personal experiences of higher education access and participation, and professional development in historical and contemporary contexts. The research intends to explore the key factors that impact refugees’ higher education experiences, the effectiveness of existing interventions and support mechanisms, and how such programmes help beneficiaries become empowered.


Research Interests

Interactional sociolinguistics; migration and multiculturalism; identity construction; refugee education and support

Educational Background

M.A. King's College London, Language & Culture Diversity, 2020

B.A. Shanxi University, Translation Studies, 2019

Scholarships and Awards

Midlands4Cities AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship Award (2021-2025)

Professional Activities

Conference Presentations

  • British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 2024 Conference, 5-7 September, University of Essex, UK

Beyond English and Integration: A Case Study of Multilingual Refugees' Language Attitudes, Motivations and Identity Negotiation in the UK

  • American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2024 Conference, 16-19 March, Houston,Texas, USA

"Names and Identity": Empowering Refugees via Storytelling of Name-related Experiences in Class Activities

  • 24th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics(WICAL 2022), 28-30 June, Univeristy of Warwick, UK(online)

Refugee Narratives: World University Service’s Ethiopian and Eritrean Scholarship Programmes in the Light of Current Practice

  • University of Warwick: School of Modern Languages and Cultures Postgraduate Symposium 26th May 2022, (online)

Refugee Narratives: World University Service’s Ethiopian and Eritrean Scholarship Programmes in the Light of Current Practice

Conference Attendence

  • Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2022(LELPGC22), 6-8 June, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
  • Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics: Language and Society, 24th June, 2022


  • Associate tutor for the Research Methods sessions for MA & MSc students of the Applied Linguistics (2022-2023)


  • Migration, Identity and Translation Network (MITN)
  • Borders, Race, Ethnicity and Migration Network (BREM)

Public Engagement Activities

  • Impact Report: The ReConnect PGCE Programme 2005-2021. Report to the ReConnect
  • Presentation of the Impact Report on the World Refugee Week Event, 19th June 2023, Institute of Education, UCL