Zhiqiong Chen
Chinese (Senior Teaching Fellow)
The Language Centre
Email: Zhiqiong dot Chen at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office: FAB4.20, Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL
I was born and educated in China. After gaining a MSc degree in engineering in China, I worked in the educational industry in Beijing for a few years, before coming to the UK. I completed a MA in Educational Management at Warwick University and then took a one-year training course to be qualified to teach Mandarin. I joined the Language Centre in 2005, teaching the newly established academic Mandarin modules at that time. Since then, I have taught various Mandarin modules, both academic and LLL at different levels and am the Mandarin Lifelong Learning coordinator. My primary role is teaching, but I am also interested in research of teaching pedagogy, including student’s engagement, blended learning, flipped teaching and teaching technology.
Outside the Warwick University, I work for the Open University as an AL and consultant, delivering both face to face and online tutorials, designing and proofreading online assessments and course assignments. I also co-authored online teaching and learning materials and served as the final exam marker.
Office Hours:
Tuesdays: 10:00am-12:00pm
Wednesdays: 10:00am-12:00pm
Teaching modules:
LL1B3 (Chinese beginners for WBS masters students)