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French Diagnostic Test 2019

This test lasts an hour and will be taken on a computer under examination conditions. The questions will be short (multiple-choice, gap filling and so forth). The test does not count in any way towards your end-of-year mark. We use it simply to learn something of your strengths and weaknesses at the beginning of the academic year. Your grammar tutor will receive your results in the first few weeks of term, and these will then be passed on to you.

The test will take place in rooms R041 and R039. These rooms are next to the Library café and are accessed from the outside using a university card.

The test lasts 1h 10min and takes place at the following times:

Thursday 3rd October

2.15 pm– 3.30 pm: all students following these degree courses: French and German, French and Economics, French and Theatre Studies, Hispanic Studies and French, BA Modern Languages and Economics, Politics, International Studies and French

3.45 am – 5.00 pm: all students following these degree courses: English and French, French and History, French Studies, French with Arabic, French with Chinese, French with Spanish, French with Italian, French with Japanese, BA Modern Languages, BA Modern Languages and/with Linguistics.

You are asked to arrive 10 minutes before the start of your allotted session.

To help you prepare become familiar with the computer package, there is a short mock test for you to try on your own machines. You can find the link to the mock test here: It is now live and available for you to try out until midday, Thursday 3rd October.

Following the grammar test, throughout the year you will undertake a series of grammar exercises on this platform, linked with the grammar lecture programme.