IT401 - Writing
Please refer to Moodle for all course material
to familiarize students with different text types in terms of content and style (articolo di giornale, testo argomentativo, recensione, testo narrativo, testo persuasivo);
to familiarize students with a more formal register of written Italian and to broaden their vocabulary;
to polish up students’ written language focusing on anglicisms, false friends, issues of language contamination, and colloquialisms;
to consolidate problematic grammatical structures.
One three-hour examination: an essay of approximately 1000 words.
Course description
This course requires constant student participation. Students will be regularly asked to produce non-assessed compositions, to revise grammatical structures and to read texts analysing register and language use. Failure to fulfil tasks will be taken into account in the final course results.
Reference grammar book
Martin Maiden and Cecilia Robustelli, A reference grammar of modern Italian, Routledge, 2013 (second edition).
Recommended Dictionaries
- Il Ragazzini 2008-Dizionario inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese, Zanichelli.
- Collins-Sansoni: Italian Dictionary: complete and unabridged, Collins.
NB: Per ogni settimana c'è l'indicazione di: a) la tipologia testuale trattata; b) l’argomento affrontato.
Week 1. Induction for the entire module (Wednesday 3 October 2018)
Week 2. Introduzione
Week 3. Testo informativo 1
Week 4: Testo informativo 2
Week 5: Testo descrittivo a scopo persuasivo 1; consegna articolo di giornale
Week 6: Reading week
Week 7: Testo descrittivo a scopo persuasivo 2
Week 8: Testo espressivo-emotivo 1; consegna guida turistica
Week 9: Testo espressivo-emotivo 2
Week 10: Testo argomentativo 1; consegna lettera aperta
Week 1: Testo argomentativo 2
Week 2: Recensione 1; consegna testo argomentativo
Week 3: Recensione 2
Week 4: Articolo di opinione 1
Week 5: Articolo di opinione 2; consegna recensione
Week 6: Reading week
Week 7: Blog entry 1
Week 8: Blog entry 2; consegna articolo di opinione
Week 9: Lettera motivazionale (da consegnare prima dell'inizio di term 3)
Week 10: Revisione
FINAL EXAM: You will receive your personal timetable directly from the Exam Office, so we are not able to give any information regarding the schedule of written exams.
For questions about regulations, please check the Exam Office webpage where you can find the university regulations: