English and Comparative Literary Studies Modules
Modules available to visiting students provided by English and Comparative Literary Studies
Medieval to Renaissance English Literature (EN121)
Modes of Reading (EN122)
Modern World Literature (EN123)
Comparative Literature I: English and German Romanticism (EN206)
US Writing and Culture 1780-1920 (EN213)
Romantic and Victorian Poetry (EN227)
Literary and Cultural Theory (EN229)
Arthurian Literature and its Legacy (EN242)
Modern American Poetry (EN248)
New Literatures in English (EN251)
Inventing Selves 1 (EN258)
Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies (EN264)
The Global Novel (EN265)
Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time (EN301)
European Theatre (EN302)
English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 (EN328)
Eighteenth Century Literature (EN330)
Restoration Drama (EN352)
Early Modern Drama (EN353)
Ecopoetics (EN355)
Further Explorations in Medieval Literature (EN359) (in order to take this module, please note you will have needed to have taken at least one semester of Middle English prior to taking this module and will have to meet with the module convenor in week 1 to discuss the suitability of the course for you)
Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 (EN364)
Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology (EN370)
Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context (EN372) 15 CATS term 2
Queering the Literary Landscape (EN387) 15 CATS Term 1
Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue (EN373)
Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text (EN374)
Cultures of Abolition: Slavery, Prison, Debt, and Data (EN376)
Literature, Theory and Time (EN377)
Writing Out Loud: Slam, spoken word, and performance poetics (EN384)