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Interdisciplinary Arts Research Project 2022

Exploring Research Beyond Academia: Making New Connections

This is the second year of the Interdisciplinary Arts Research Project (IARP) which gives students from different departments at the Faculty of Arts a unique opportunity to work together.

Students participating in IARP have a chance to develop transferable skills such as teamwork, resilience, digital literacy, interdisciplinarity, public engagement, research ethics and most importantly applying research into practical outcomes which are central to IARP.

Student feedback shows that the students have benefited from IARP in varied ways. It has supported applications for future study, projects, and jobs, enabled them to develop new skills or build on existing extra-curricular achievements and pushed them to take on responsibilities outside their normal comfort zone.

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Theatre and Performance Studies Read more from Theatre and Performance Studies News

School of Modern Languages and Cultures Read more from SMLC - News and events

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Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

Humanities Research Centre Read more from News

Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies Read more from Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Read more from News

Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Read more from News

Global History and Culture Centre Read more from News from the Global History and Culture Centre

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

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