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Arts Faculty News Read more from Arts Faculty News

Arts Inclusive Education Conference 2024

On Tuesday 21 May, we brought together staff and student members of our community for the Inclusive Education in the Arts Conference 2024! Our 20 presenters – both those in the room, and asynchronous video presenters – showcased those areas where the Faculty is leading in inclusive education, highlighting more examples of positive inclusive practice in the Arts and asking where we can go next.

Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence Read more from Latest Announcements

Classics and Ancient History Read more from Classics News and Events

English and Comparative Literary Studies Read more from English & Comparative Literary Studies News

Film and Television Studies Read more from News

History Read more from History News

History of Art Read more from Research Events

Theatre and Performance Studies Read more from Theatre and Performance Studies News

School of Modern Languages and Cultures Read more from SMLC - News and events

Global Sustainable Development Read more from Global Sustainable Development News

Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

Humanities Research Centre Read more from News

Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies Read more from Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Read more from News

Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Read more from News

Global History and Culture Centre Read more from News from the Global History and Culture Centre

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

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