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Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Inclusive Education Programme - Workshop 7: Inclusion through Assessment and Feedback

Dr Ryan Arthur’s workshop will explore strategies that ensure assessments are equitable, accessible, and responsive to diverse student needs, fostering a learning environment that promotes success for all.

In-person session: 25th April 2024, 1 pm - 2 pm (Register here to attend the in-person session)Link opens in a new window

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Science for social justice: co-creating authentic anti-racist assessments
Dr. Moonisah Usman and Dr. Amy MacLatchy, University of Westminster, Thursday 25th April 2024, 1pm – 2pm (MS Teams)

As decolonising of science gains momentum across the sector, we reimagine it to be about challenging prejudice and bias, shifting from eurocentric epistemology and recentring marginalised voices. Ultimately, shifting our relationship to and practice of science by being actively anti-racist and inclusive, may help us tackle problems such as health inequalities, which affect minoritised groups the most and with which we’ve grappled for too long (Raleigh and Holmes, 2021). In this workshop, we will consider the link between science and social justice to create inclusive learning spaces that allow anti-racist dialogue and practices. We will share lessons from our journey of using student partnership and critical thinking to develop and co-create anti-racist, inclusive assessments within the discipline of life sciences, on the core foundation module ‘Critical Thinking for Academic Professional Development’ in the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation, University of Westminster.

At the end of this session, participants should be able to:
1. Appreciate the link between science and social justice.
2. Develop an approach to getting started with co-creation and anti-racist assessments.

You can book onto this session by clicking on this linkLink opens in a new window.
