ENABLE: Equal and Non-exclusive Awarding in Biological sciences for fully inclusive Learning Environments
FREE workshop:
"Are the university learning environments as inclusive as we think? An investigation from the awarding perspective."
Friday 29 September 2023, University of Warwick.
*Registration is now closed*

Based on a thorough data analysis from recent years and first-hand practical experience, the workshop will identify existing reasons for lack of inclusivity and unbiased awarding in biological sciences and related degree streams.
The workshop participants, comprising academic leaders, teaching professionals and a diverse student community, will also provide on consensus recommendations on how to close existing awarding gaps for a more inclusive learning and teaching environment throughout the UK.
Consensus recommendations will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. The event is supported by the Royal Society of Biology and other leading partners
Providing a forum for sector leaders and students to consensus recommendations: inclusive assessments, closing awarding gaps and aiding transition.
Target audience
Teaching staff and students.

Travel support for students
Travel costs of up to £125 are available for students. They can be used towards:
- A one way trip to the workshop for University of Warwick students
- Travel to and from the workshop for non-Warwick students
Contact Us:
Professor Johannes Boltze,
Dr Marwan Albuhtori,