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Professor Kevin Moffat

Title: Professor & Creative Director for Outreach


Phone: 024 765 24591

Office: B122

Twitter: @SLSoutreachWrwk

Twitter: @ProfthekevMoff

SLS Clusters

Cells & Development

Environment & Ecology

Microbiology & Infectious Disease


Plant & Agricultural Biosciences

Quantitative, Systems & Engineering Biology

Pedagogical Research

Warwick Centres and GRPs

Health GRP

Connecting Cultures


Warwick International Higher Education Academy

Teaching Interests

I have a Teaching focused role in my department. I teach first year basic form and function of animals (histology, anatomy, and the cell biology of neurons). In second year, I teach physiology of both humans and of invertebrates (Endocrinology, invertebrate neuroscience, and genetics associated with haematology). In third year, I teach modern approaches to Alzheimer’s and dementia research, as well as running an Integrative Neuroscience workshop.

Research Interests and Other Activities

I have now closed my research laboratory, although a few publications keep emerging through collaborations – largely in the fields of tauopathies.

Externally I am a STEM for Britain judge and I am an editor for the UK six-form magazine Biological Sciences Reviews. I am a trustee for the UK Biology Competitions run at Warwick

I have taught widely across the University in cross-faculty programmes – on Biological Identity as well as extreme physiology of animals and in Science Communication. I run training classes in presentation skills to PhD students, to the public, and indeed anyone who wishes to hear my considerations in this area 😊.

I am active in a variety of outreach roles in the University and beyond – a co-organiser of Science on the Hill, and an advisor and an Honorary Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Engagement. I am always keen to be invited to speak to the general public or to schools and to liaise with our outreach team in SLS.

Above all I have a passion for crashing the arts and the sciences together and have worked with a variety of creatives - Physical theatre groups (Highly SprungLink opens in a new window and LAStheatreLink opens in a new window), dramatists (Daniel ByeLink opens in a new window), musicians and poets (Su MenonLink opens in a new window)

  • Currently Professor University of Warwick
  • Lecturer University of Warwick 1995
  • Post-doctoral Fellow University of Warwick 1990 – 1994
  • Post-doctoral Research Assistant University of Adelaide Australia 186-1990
  • PhD Bacterial Genetics Cranfield Institute of Technology 1982 - 1986
  • BSc (Hons) Physiology and Biochemistry University of Reading 1979 - 1982