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Professor Seamus Holden

Professor of Microbial Biophysics


Phone: 024 765 75794

Office: IBRB2.28


Holden lab website

Research Clusters

Microbiology & Infectious disease

Quantitative, Systems & Engineering Biology

Vacancies and Opportunities

For PhD and postdoctoral opportunities, and interest in potential collaborations, please contact me at the above email address.

Research Interests

My lab uses advanced microscopy to figure out how bacteria grow and divide. We study how proteins act as tiny nanoscale machines to build complex biological structures, with a particular focus on how bacteria remodel their cell envelope, which is one of the most important targets​ for antibiotics. To achieve this we use single molecule microscopy to follow the activity of individual proteins at nanoscale resolution inside live bacteria

Research: Technical Summary

My lab studies biophysical principles of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, with a particular focus on the mechanistic principles of bacterial cell division and elongation. We work primarily with the Gram-positive model organism Bacillus subtilis.  To tackle these questions my lab develops novel experimental methods based on single molecule & super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, microfabrication and microfluidics. I am a strong supporter of open science, and work to ensure that all of the software, methods and resources that my lab develops are freely available and easy to use.

About the lab

We are a diverse interdisciplinary lab combining approaches from molecular microbiology, physics, microscopy and data science. We are funded by the Wellcome Trust and BBSRC, and work with multiple national and international collaborators, including David Roper and Phill Stansfeld at Warwick, as well as colleagues in Belfast, Newcastle, Cambridge, London, Germany, Austria and Australia.

Job/ studentship opportunities

If you would like to discuss any of the opportunities below, please send an email to, with CV.

SLS Y3 undergraduate research projects

See "Teaching/ Student supervision" tab below for detailed description of this year's available Y3 research project .


We do not have any vacancies currently advertised but we are always happy to host fellowship applications for schemes such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships, EMBO LTF, Wellcome ECA.

PhD and Masters students

We are happy to recruit PhD students via either the BBSRC MIBTP programme or the Warwick MRC DTP programme. We also host MBio projects from the School of Life Sciences undergraduate degree programmes

I am very happy to supervise interdisciplinary projects to students from a range of training backgrounds such as biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, computer science or engineering.

Undergraduate summer projects

I am happy to supervise talented and self-motivated undergraduate students from any relevant training background who are looking to gain research experience through a summer project. Warwick students can access funding via the URSS scheme. A range of bursary schemes for summer projects are available from learned societies such as the Microbiology Society or the Biochemical Society.
  • 2024: Promoted to Professor, University of Warwick
  • 2022: Moved to University of Warwick as Associate Professor (Reader).
  • 2020: Awarded British Biophysical Society Louise Johnson Early Career Award
  • 2018: Promoted to Principal Research Associate, Newcastle University.
  • 2017: Awarded Wellcome Trust & Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowship.
  • 2015: Moved to Newcastle University to start independent research career.
  • 2012: Awarded Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship
  • 2011-2015: Post-doctoral Researcher in laboratory of Professor Suliana Manley, EPFL, Switzerland,
  • 2007-2011: DPhil in Biological Physics in laboratory of Professor Achilles Kapanidis, University of Oxford
  • 2003-2007: Studied Physics, University of Oxford

All authors for Democratising deep learning for microscopy with ZeroCostDL4Mic

von Chamier, Lucas, Laine, Romain F., Jukkala, Johanna, Spahn, Christoph, Krentzel, Daniel, Nehme, Elias, Lerche, Martina, Hernández-Pérez, Sara, Mattila, Pieta K., Karinou, Eleni, Holden, Séamus, Solak, Ahmet Can, Krull, Alexander, Buchholz, Tim-Oliver, Jones, Martin L., Royer, Loïc A., Leterrier, Christophe, Shechtman, Yoav, Jug, Florian, Heilemann, Mike, Jacquemet, Guillaume, Henriques, Ricardo