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Acknowledgement Policy

CAMDU has chosen to follow the RMS Core Facilities Publication PolicyLink opens in a new window. We think it is essential to recognise the contributions of our staff to the research being generated at WMS, formally and informally, for all kinds of technical assistance. The level of expected acknowledgement of these contributions vary depending on the contribution provided by CAMDU staff. Core facilities staff are also scientists, and the existence of CAMDU itself depends in part on proper acknowledgement.


The RMS policy document outlines three main levels of acknowledgement:

  1. All publications resulting from the use of instruments within CAMDU should, at the very least, acknowledge CAMDU as a whole. Example text: ‘the authors gratefully acknowledge CAMDU (Computing and Advanced Microscopy Unit) for their support & assistance in this work’.
  2. Where users have had significant help from a particular member of CAMDU staff, or CAMDU staff have generated additional data personally, this staff member should be acknowledged by name, alongside the whole facility if applicable. Example text: ‘the authors thank *** of CAMDU (Computing and Advanced Microscopy Unit) for their support & assistance in this work’
  3. If scientists from CAMDU contributed more than just routine techniques, they should be coauthors of papers that use that data.

Extra guidelines for coauthorship:

  • Development or adaptation of protocols to suit samples or materials, (re)designing experiments, extensive data analysis and interpretation are not routine and constitute contributions meriting coauthorship.
  • Simple acquisitions of raw data or routine sample preparations alone normally would not merit coauthorship but should still be acknowledged.

Posters and Presentations

If your posters or presentations include images or data derived from images taken on a microscope managed by CAMDU please acknowledge us. A high-resolution download of our logo is available on the right hand side of this page.

Lattice Light Sheet

User of the Lattice are asked to additionally acknowledge the Wellcome grant 208384/Z/17/Z which funds the instrument. An example slide with a statement and logos is downloadable from the right hand side of this page.


If you are not sure how to properly acknowledge CAMDU contributions to your project, please contact us.


Here's a copy of our logo for your presentations and posters.

CAMDU logo

Lattice Slide and Logos