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The Implantation Clinic Research Clinic Pathway

What to expect from the Implantation Clinic Research Pathway

The first step is to call 02476 967 528 or email to arrange a video consultation.

Arrange payment for your consultation at least 72 hours prior to your appointment.

Video consultation appointment with Professor Brosens to discuss your reproductive history and general health.

Purchase a home ovulation kit and/or fertility tracker and monitor your ovulation.

Call 02476 967 528 on the day of your positive ovulation test. We will make a biopsy appointment for 5-11 days later. Please make a note of the date of your positive ovulation test.

When you visit, your consent will be taken for the biopsy and its storage in the Tommy’s Biobank, as well as consent to Tommy’s Net.

Payment for the (d)EFT will also be taken.

We will request a blood sample to assess hormone levels. A urine sample may also be needed for pregnancy testing.

The endometrial biopsy will be taken. You may experience some mild discomfort whilst your biopsy is being taken. You can take paracetamol (2 x 500mg) or ibuprofen (200mg) one hour before your appointment. Entonox (gas and air) will be available if you find the biopsy painful.

You will be given a follow-up video consultation appointment approximately 5-6 weeks after the biopsy for dEFT

In the follow-up appointment, Professor Brosens will discuss your results and treatment plan. You will receive a clinic report by email for you to take to your GP or fertility/miscarriage specialist.

Patient Information

Please ensure you read all of the information contained in the pages below:

  1. Implantation Clinic (Home)
  2. Our Vision
  3. Digital Endometrium Function Test - (d)EFT
  4. Important information
  5. The Implantation Clinic Research Clinic Pathway