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MEMVIE (Mathematical & Economic Modelling for Vaccination and Immunisation Evaluation) PPIE

MEMVIE Project - Pubic and Patient Involvement and Engagement


MEMVIE, or the 'Mathematical & Economic Modelling for Vaccination and Immunisation Evaluation' project, is a collaborative project bringing together a team of mathematicians, health economics modellers, PPIE researchers, and members of the public.

The project provides second opinion modelling for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), PHE/UKHSA and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. As part of this process, we explore, develop, refine, and provide a framework for the use of PPIE in modelling.


PPIE (Warwick Medical School): Professor Sophie Staniszewska & Dr Corinna Clark

Mathematical Modellers (Mathematics Institute, Warwick): Professor Matt Keeling, Dr Ed Hill, Dr Omar El Deeb  MEMVIE Webpage Zeeman Institute (Warwick)

Health Economists (University of Oxford): Professor Stavros Petrou & Phuong Bich Tran

PPIE Group members

We currently have 8 public contributors to the MEMVIE project (more details to follow soon).

How to contact us

Please contact & for more information about MEMVIE PPIE and the framework for public involvement. To contact the infectious disease modellers please visit this pageLink opens in a new window.

MEMVIE Framework for public involvement

In 2021, we published an open access paper "Developing a Framework for Public Involvement in Mathematical and Economic Modelling: Bringing New Dynamism to Vaccination Policy Recommendations"

In this paper we present a short form summary and long form version of the framework with a detailed description of each potential type of public contribution at each stage of the modelling process.

In our current MEMVIE work, we are looking at evaluating and refining the MEMVIE framework and well as exploring routes to implementation.

Outreach and engagement activities

As well as promoting the MEMVIE framework within the research community, a vital part of our work is to illustrate the importance of public & patient involvement in modelling (and wider health research).

For us, it is about creating a more open and democratic process in research, which values and embeds the public perspective within research methods


​We will be updating our website with our MEMVIE outreach and engagement activities - so watch this space!

23rd May 2024 - As part of Resonate Festival Ed, Sophie and Corinna (with the help of Jane and Sue from our public contributors) ran an interactive event in Leamington Spa - Scientists help policy-makers make public health decisions, but who helps the scientists?

Warwick Institute of Engagement will be writing an article about this event and we should have some pictures of the event to share soon!

Screenshot of resonate booking page