Physics Student Office

Physics Student Office
How can the Physics Student Office help you?Link opens in a new window
The Physics Student Office deals with all aspects of the administration of your course.
Find out more about:
- module registration
- submitting mitigating circumstances
- accessing your transcript
- arranging reasonable adjustments
Student Support & WelfareLink opens in a new window
The Student Office is open all year round during office hours. You can visit us in Physics room P522 or email with queries. If you aren't sure who to contact for support, we can help signpost you to the best person or service.
UG Student HandbookLink opens in a new window
The student handbook is a useful reference guide with advice and practical information about the various Physics courses including course specifications, progress and assessment, as well as registration, ethical behaviour and information about who to turn to for help. You can also find links to past exam papers and information about student voice.
PGR Course HandbookLink opens in a new window
Question of the WeekLink opens in a new window
Question of the week is an opportunity for the Physics Department to share knowledge, exchange ideas and build community through a range of simple questions.
What are your favourite resources for exam revision?
Take a few minutes to answerLink opens in a new window and check back to find out what others have shared.
Previous Question of the Week and Answers
Staff Student Liason Committee (SSLC)
The SSLC is a regular forum for matters affecting Physics students and staff.
UG SSLCLink opens in a new window
PG SSLC (PG Committee)Link opens in a new window
You can anonymously contact the SSLC via the webpage or speak to your Year /Group rep. Responses to issues raised at each SSLC meeting are posted, usually within 10 days of the meeting.
Key Dates
Sign up for Staff and Student lunchesLink opens in a new window:
- Tuesday 11th March at 1pm (2nd years and All years)
Module RegistrationLink opens in a new window
Examination dates and timetablesLink opens in a new window
Alternative Exam Arrangement deadlinesLink opens in a new window
Mitigating Circumstances deadlinesLink opens in a new window
URSSLink opens in a new window
Widening Participation: Various Work OpportunitiesLink opens in a new window
- Closing date for applications Monday 3rd March 2025
- Your end of year results will be made available to you via Tabula
PGR Course DeadlinesLink opens in a new window
Offer Holder Open Days
- Saturday 26th April 2025 (All Courses)
Opens DaysLink opens in a new window
- Saturday 14th June 2025
- Saturday 21st June 2025
- Saturday 11th October 2025
- Saturday 25th October 2025
Events and OpportunitiesLink opens in a new window
Find out about internal and external events and opportunities aimed at current Physics students, including careers updates, internships, Undergraduate Research Support Scheme (URSS) and PhD opportunities plus other events.

Career Case StudiesLink opens in a new window
Featuring case studies on BSc and MPhys Physics graduate to provide you with an insight into the types of careers that our graduates pursue.
Some of our graduates go on to have careers in Science, but many do not. There are many careers where a Physics degree is an asset and employers in a wide range of sectors will be keen to employ you - find out about some of them here.
Workwear WardrobeLink opens in a new window
The Workwear Wardrobe initiative has been created with the University’s overall strategy of sustainability in mind and aims to help you build a workwear wardrobe in an affordable way ahead of interviews, assessment centres and gaining work experience. Visit the Student Opportunity Hub to donate and/or pick up the items you need free of charge!
Warwickgrad: Gateway to your Alumni CommunityLink opens in a new window
WarwickGrad is an exclusive community platform helping students to connect, network and engage with graduates from Warwick (alumni) across the globe.
You can use it to:
- find people already working in an industry or for a company that interests you
- find a mentor for 1:1 support
- join a network
- access a wide range of resources
Physics Society
The PhysSoc website includes pages on careers Link opens in a new windowand the weekly PhysCaféLink opens in a new window.
Picture A Physicist
Looking for advice and guidance?
See what other Physics students have to say.
Physics Instagram
We are officially on Instagram!
Follow us to receive latest updates and events taking place in our community.
Key Contacts
General Enquiries
Undergraduate Enquiries opens in a new window
T: +44 (0)24 765 72684
Student Office Contacts
Helen MurrayLink opens in a new window
Educational Support Services Manager
T: +44 (0)24 765 22588
Rosalind JohnstoneLink opens in a new window
Postgraduate Programmes Officer
T: +44 (0)24 765 23966
Chris TaylorLink opens in a new window
Undergraduate Programmes Officer
T: +44 (0)24 765 75525

Helen Murray

Rosalind Johnstone

Chris Taylor
Liz HallLink opens in a new window
Undergraduate Coordinator
T: +44 (0)24 765 72684
Rhian ChesterLink opens in a new window
UG and PG Programmes Assistant
T: +44 (0)24 765 51697
Dharvi RajputLink opens in a new window
UG and PG Programmes Assistant
T: +44 (0)24 765 74768

Liz Hall

Rhian Chester

Dharvi Rajput
UG Academic Staff Contacts
Director of Undergraduate Studies:
Dr Nicholas d'AmbrumenilLink opens in a new window
Senior Tutor: Dr Michael PoundsLink opens in a new window
Deputy Senior Tutor: Dr Susan BurrowsLink opens in a new window
UG SSLC Staff contact: Jon Duffy
PG Academic Staff Contacts
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS):