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Identifying the source of solar chromospheric jets

Solar spicules are jets of cold dense material emerging through the Sun's lower atmosphere, the chromosphere. This work demonstrated these can be formed from MHD waves.

Tue 08 Jan 2019, 12:40 | Tags: Research

Ballistic One-Dimensional Holes with Strong g‑Factor Anisotropy in Germanium

Observation of ballistic 1D holes with strong g‑factor anisotropy in epitaxial Germanium marks an important step toward the realization of novel devices for applications in quantum spintronics.

Tue 08 Jan 2019, 12:34 | Tags: Research

Determining crystal structure to high precision with electron diffraction

Until now, electron diffraction has not determined atomic positions in a crystal to the same accuracy (10^-13 m) as X-rays. We describe a new method which does this and more.

Tue 08 Jan 2019, 12:30 | Tags: Research

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