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Report on ‘Extreme Nanowire, Phase Formation and Molecular Encapsulation in Atomically Thin Capillaries: Practice, Theory and Experiment’ Physics Day, 3rd July 2018

This Physics Day was essentially a workshop concerned with experimental electron microscopy and theoretical modelling of ‘Extreme Nanowires,’ the smallest nanowires that can be formed down to a single atom width, and also discrete molecules formed on a similar scale. The Physics Day included contributions from four Warwick speakers, including two PhD students, UK speakers Prof. Andrei Khlobystov, Dr. Thomas Chamberlain and Dr. Andrew Morris from the Universities of Nottingham, Leeds and Birmingham respectively, and also the distinguished International Speaker Prof. Kazu Suenaga from the AIST in Tsukuba, Japan. This event was also used as a preamble for the EMAG (Electron Microanalysis and Analysis Group) meeting which was taking place in Warwick during the same week (i.e. 6th-8th July).

A very succesful and inspiring "Physical Sciences Industry Day", 19 September, 2018

Synthetic diamonds, bioplastics and micro CT scanning in criminal justice were just some of the topics covered at last month’s Physical Sciences Industry Day. The event, which attracted local, national and international businesses, focused on how collaborative industrial partnerships can further businesses’ research and development, as well as lead to meaningful and impactful change for academics, industry and society.

Tue 23 Oct 2018, 17:13 | Tags: Feature News, Outreach, Public Engagement and Media

New method to potentially observe double beauty hadrons

Tim Gershon and Anton Poluektov have proposed a new method that may make it possible to observe a long-sought after type of particle called double beauty hadrons.

Tue 23 Oct 2018, 10:28 | Tags: Research

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