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Nobel Prize in Physics 2018


Congratulations to Donna Strickland, Gerard Mourou and Arthur Ashkin on winning the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for ground-breaking inventions in the field of laser physics. Strickland and Mourou found a way to generate high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses using chirped pulse amplification. Ashkin created optical tweezers that have had enormous impact on biological systems.

Wed 03 Oct 2018, 12:52 | Tags: Feature News

New WIHEA Fellow

Congratulations to Michael Pounds, who has been appointed as a fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy from 2018/19.

A WIHEA Fellowship recognises and rewards outstanding achievements in learning and teaching.

Michael joins Gavin Bell as WIHEA representatives from Physics.

Wed 26 Sep 2018, 12:02 | Tags: Feature News, Staff and Department, Awards

Fundamental quantum limits of optomechanical sensors

Dominic Branford and Animesh Datta, working in collaboration with Haixing Miao (University of Birmingham), have published a paper on the fundamental quantum limits of optomechanical sensors in Physical Review Letters (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.110505). Being able to measure very weak forces is central to many applications, such as the direct detection of gravitational waves and monitoring subterranean movement of magma in volancially-active areas. The strength of a force can be inferred through its effect of displacing a mass: the displacement can be sensed by illuminating it with a laser and observing the reflected light, a case of optomechanical sensing. In this work, Dominic, Haixing and Animesh study the best precision attainable by optomechanical sensors when multi-coloured light is used.

Thu 13 Sep 2018, 16:17 | Tags: Research

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