IoP Theory of Condensed Matter Group Annual Meeting 2011
University of Warwick, Tuesday 7th June 2011
This is an opportunity for all interested in Condensed Matter Theory to meet and to hear talks from four invited speakers. Poster presentations are also welcomed.
10.30 - 16.50 To include 4 Speakers, Poster Session and Lunch
Speakers and Titles:
Eugene Demler, Harvard, ''Learning about order from noise';
Lorna Dougan, Leeds, Provisional title: 'Exploring the structural properties and molecular mechanisms of cryoprotectants';
Jonathan Keeling, St Andrews, 'Condensation, superfluidity and lasing of coupled light-matter systems';
Ivo Souza, San Sebastian, 'Orbital magnetoelectric coupling in insulators'
Please register ONLINE
Meeting Organisers: John Chalker and Nicholas d'Ambrumenil
For further details contact, tel: +44 (0) 24 7652 3982