TCM 2022
University of Warwick, Thursday 16th June 2022
This is an opportunity for all interested in Condensed Matter Theory to meet. There will be four talks and poster presentations.
Organisers: Marcin Mucha-Kruczynski (Bath), Elsen Tjhung (Open), and Nicholas d'Ambrumenil (Warwick)
Provisional Programme 
10.30 - 17:00 To include 4 Speakers, Poster Session and Lunch
Andrew Green, UCL, NISQ Simulation and Machine Learning with Tensor Networks
Camille Scalliet, Cambridge, 30 milliseconds in the life of a supercooled liquid
Mohammad Saeed Bahramy, Manchester, Magnetic generation and control of topological quantum phases in cross-correlated electron systems
Oindrila Deb, Bristol, Hunting Majorana Bound States in Topological Systems
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