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Using pressure to tune spin reorientations in a rare earth - transition metal magnet

Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 102408 (2020);
Fri 13 Mar 2020, 13:09

New framework provides a parameter-free approach to computational modeling of rare earth/transition metal magnets at nonzero temperature

Temperature-dependent magnetocrystalline anisotropy of rare earth/transition metal permanent magnets from first principles: The light RCo5 (R=Y, La - Gd) intermetallics

Christopher E. Patrick and Julie B. Staunton, Phys. Rev. Materials 3. 101401(R), (2019). – Published 3 October 2019

This paper appears as a highlight in the latest version of Physical Review Materials as an Editor's Suggestion.

Rare earth/transition metal intermetallics remain the subject of much experimental and theoretical research due to their unrivaled performance as permanent magnets. A challenge when using electronic structure calculations to model these materials is accounting for the temperature-induced disorder of individual magnetic moments. Here, the authors combine crystal field theory with density-functional calculations to study the temperature-dependent magnetic anisotropy of the RCo5 family of permanent magnets. The calculations reproduce the huge room temperature anisotropy of SmCo5 and the spin reorientation transition temperatures of NdCo5, and highlight interesting 4f electron correlations in CeCo5 and PrCo5. More generally, the developed framework provides a parameter-free approach to modeling rare earth/transition metal magnets at nonzero temperature.

Thu 03 Oct 2019, 16:36

Ab initio theory of the Gibbs free energy of itinerant electron systems: The magnetism of the Mn3A materials class

Ab initio theory of the Gibbs free energy and a hierarchy of local moment correlation functions in itinerant electron systems: The magnetism of the Mn3A materials class

Eduardo Mendive-Tapia and Julie B. Staunton, Phys. Rev. B 99, 144424 (2019) – Published 25 April 2019.

Phase diagrams and the temperature and field dependence of complex magnetic materials are described here by an ab initio theory. Consideration of fluctuating local degrees of freedom (‘local moments’), emerging from a material’s interacting itinerant electrons, produces naturally a picture of multisite magnetic interactions. Accurate prediction of the order of transitions and the role of both electronic and magnetoelastic effects in the Gibbs free energy coefficients are demonstrated by application to the widely varying frustrated magnetism of Mn3A .

This paper appears as a highlight in the latest version of Physical Review B as an Editor's Suggestion.

Fri 26 Apr 2019, 09:16

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