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Guy Medal award to Professor Gareth Roberts

At the Royal Statistical Society's annual conference on 3 September, Professor Gareth Roberts was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver for 2008.

Thu 04 Sep 2008, 15:59 | Tags: Dept, CRiSM

ESRC research centre to expand

New funding just announced by ESRC will allow the successful Lancaster-Warwick "node" of the National Centre for Research Methods to expand in three ways: into the future, into a third partner university, and into a further substantive research field. 
Fri 08 Feb 2008, 12:03 | Tags: CRiSM, ESRC

Statistics PhD academy takes off

apts-nobg-small.pngEven before its first full year of operation in 2007-8, the new EPSRC-funded Academy for PhD Training in Statistics (APTS) has signed up more than 20 member institutions, including three from outside the UK. 
Mon 01 Oct 2007, 12:08 | Tags: CRiSM, Postgrad, APTS, EPSRC

Chambers Award for Heather and David

The 2007 John M Chambers Statistical Software Award of the American Statistical Association is to be made to Dr Heather Turner and Professor David Firth, for their gnm package. The Chambers Award aims to encourage innovative and well-designed statistical software, and is awarded annually to one project worldwide.

Wed 18 Jul 2007, 10:12 | Tags: CRiSM, ESRC

IWSM Award for Ioannis

PhD student Ioannis Kosmidis has won the award for Best Scientific Content in a Poster Presented by a Student at this year's International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (Barcelona, July 2007). 
Wed 18 Jul 2007, 10:07 | Tags: CRiSM, Students, Postgrad

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