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Representatives from British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce visit WMG

Representatives from British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce visit WMG Dr Kogila BalakrishnanLink opens in a new window, WMG’s Director of Client and Business Development (Southeast Asia), was pleased to welcome guests from the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce on Monday (9th September).

The delegation was made up of 15 Malaysian government officials on the JPA-BMCC Management Development ProgrammeLink opens in a new window.

The officials were particularly interested to find out more about research projects and education programmes in relation to digital technology and energy transition.

After meeting with Dr Balakrishnan and Hopi Sen, WMG’s Director of Policy, the group headed to the Energy Innovation Centre where they heard more about WMG’s world-leading energy and battery technology research.

The delegation then enjoyed a guided tour of the engineering hall and the Centre for Imaging, Metrology and Additive Technologies (CiMATLink opens in a new window), in WMG’s International Manufacturing Centre.

Dr Kogila Balakrishnan, WMG’s Director of Client and Business Development (Southeast Asia) said: "It was a pleasure to welcome the delegation and showcase WMG's strengths in digital technology and energy transition.

“We are excited about the possibilities for collaboration that may arise from this engagement, particularly in fostering innovation and developing skills for the future."

Find out more about WMG’s education programmes here: Study | WMG | University of WarwickLink opens in a new window 

Find out more about WMG’s research capabilities here: Research | WMG | University of WarwickLink opens in a new window 


Wed 11 Sep 2024, 12:00 | Tags: Education Research VIP Visits

The establishment of Skills England: Expert comment from Dr Ben Silverstone

Expert comment, from Dr Ben Silverstone, Workforce Transformation, Skills and Policy Lead at WMG, University of Warwick, on the establishment of Skills England

“WMG welcomes the formal announcement on the establishment of Skills England. A combined approach from the Government, education providers and employers is, without a doubt, the best way of ensuring that the skills system is fit for purpose. The decision to appoint a non-governmental chair should also be applauded and will ensure the needs of industry and the workforce are placed before policy pressures. 

“To make the most of this opportunity we encourage the Government to consider the following key issues:

  • Everyone, regardless of age; background or employment status, must have the best opportunities in terms of education - this is critical to the future prosperity of our society
  • There must be an equal, if not greater, focus on upskilling and reskilling those already in employment
  • We must learn from the Apprenticeship Trailblazer model, and focus on the skill enablers of our economy rather than the narrow interests of a traditional sectoral led approach
  • Finally, we strongly urge Government to ensure the balance between a nationally conceived strategy, a regional contextualisation and high-quality local delivery is not lost.”
Mon 05 Aug 2024, 13:10 | Tags: WMG Comments Education

WMG graduates celebrate success at Warwick's 2024 Summer Graduation Ceremony

WMG at the University of Warwick celebrated the achievements of its latest cohort of graduates during the 2024 Summer Graduation Ceremonies. TheWMG staff celebrate graduation day ceremony marked a significant milestone for many talented individuals who have excelled in their academic pursuits.

A total of 490 students received their degrees across various levels including Master’s; Postgraduate Research, and Undergraduate programmes.

Among the Master’s graduates, there were 380 students: 129 studied full-time, 25 part-time, and 226 completed their degrees overseas.

From the Postgraduate Research programme 23 students graduated: 20 PhD recipients and three EngD students.

For Undergraduate students there was a total of 87 students. This included 44 who earned a BSc in Cyber Security, 11 with a BSc in Digital Healthcare Science, and from the Degree Apprenticeship pathway – a further 32 with a BSc in Digital and Technology Solutions.

The ceremony held on Friday 26 July 2024, featured an inspiring speech by WMG alumnus Dr Graham Hoare OBE (MSc Engineering Business Management, 1993). His address had a lasting impact on the graduates motivating them as they step into their future careers.

Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG, expressed his pride in the graduates, saying: “Your dedication and remarkable achievements have enriched our community and set a high standard of excellence. I am incredibly proud of what you have accomplished, and excited to see the heights you will reach in the future. Congratulations to all of you.”

Professor Clark added, “Graduation is not the end but the beginning of a lifelong connection with WMG and the University of Warwick. As part of a global network of over 285,000 alumni, including more than 29,000 WMG graduates, you have endless opportunities to stay connected, build new relationships, and continue growing both personally and professionally.”

Professor Steve Maggs, Director of Alumni and Industry Engagement, also praised the graduates, stating: “As you embark on your new journeys, we celebrate not just your academic success but also the perseverance and commitment that got you here. This year’s class, showcases the diversity and strength of our WMG community.”

Check out the WMG alumni web pages for more details: opens in a new window 

To find out more about studying at WMG visit: Study | WMG | University of WarwickLink opens in a new window 

WMG ranked top 20 in the world in prestigious QS International Trade Education Rankings

The ITSO programme at WMGAccording to the QS International Trade Rankings 2024, WMG at the University of Warwick’s MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) programme has been rated 16th in the world and 3rd in the UK in terms of trade education.

The ITSO programme has also been identified by QS as one of the top two specialist trade courses in the world.

The highly prestigious QS rankings evaluate courses on six key indicators: Trade Programme; Graduate Outcomes; Industry Engagement; Innovative Teaching; Reputation; and Research.

Professor Dan Nunan, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education), at WMG said: “I’m delighted to see WMG has, once again, been ranked amongst the leading providers in the world for international trade education. This recognition is a true testament to our incredible community of staff and students here at WMG, and the many industry partners who contribute to the design of our courses.”

Dr Di Li, Course Director for the ITSO at WMG, said “The MSc ITSO programme is an interdisciplinary course that integrates the three principal pillars of international trade, strategy, and operations management within global trade and business management. Students learn cutting-edge knowledge and tools, whilst develop the ability to employ them for tackling contemporary challenges faced by industries in response to the rapidly changing environment.”

Find out more about WMG’s International Trade, Strategy and Operations Master’s Programme here: MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations | University of Warwick

See the full QS Rankings here:

Wed 29 May 2024, 13:15 | Tags: Education Full-time Masters

Top of the class!

Picture shows students at WMGWMG at the University of Warwick has seen five of its courses ranked number one in the UK by the Eduniversal Best Masters 2024.

Eduniversal ranks the quality of Master’s both in the UK and worldwide. This year a total of five WMG programmes have been recognised in their respective categories, with MSc Cyber Security Management being ranked number one in the world.

Accompanying MSc Cyber Security Management in the rankings were the MSc e-Business Management; MSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management; MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship and MSc Engineering Business Management programmes.

The rankings were as follows:

· MSc Cyber Security Management –number one in the world for Cybersecurity, Systems Security and Data Protection programmes

· MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship – number one in the UK and number 22 globally for Entrepreneurship – up three places on the 2022 rankings

· MSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management - number one in the UK and 28th globally for Supply Chain and Logistics - up one place from 2022

· MSc Engineering Business Management - number one in the UK and number three in Western Europe for Industrial and Operations Management.

· MSc e-Business Management - number one in the UK and fifth in Western Europe for E-business and Digital Marketing.

Professor Dan Nunan, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education) at WMG at the University of Warwick, explained: “I am thrilled to see WMGs specialist courses in applied engineering, management and technology once again recognised as a leading choice for students seeking to develop their careers. These rankings are testament to the hard work and dedication of all our teaching team at WMG.”

Harjinder Lallie, Discipline Group Lead for Cyber Security at WMG, and Director of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education at the University of Warwick, said: “I am absolutely delighted that our MSc Cyber Security Management degree continues to receive recognition both nationally and globally. The course has an international reputation for excellent teaching, hands on practical experiences and superb post-study employment opportunities. To be ranked number one in the world is an outstanding achievement.”

Eduniversal Group is a global leader in higher education information, providing students worldwide with the tools to find the best education opportunities. Eduniversal publishes annual rankings of the best Master's programmes in 50 fields of study, covering 154 different countries within nine geographic zones. The ranked programmes come from more than 1,800 universities and schools.

WMG offers 14 applied Master’s courses across technology, engineering and management all designed to meet the needs of global industry. Find out more here:

Thu 18 Apr 2024, 11:50 | Tags: Education Awards Postgraduate Full-time Cyber Security

Celebrating British Science Week 2024

Staff and students from across WMG at the University of Warwick had another busy, fun-packed British Science Week, taking part in a total of seven special STEM events reaching out to more than 1,100 young scientists, teachers, and families.

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths running from 8-17 March. It’s a chance to look into the future and celebrate the impact scientific ideas can make on society.

WMG staff and students were supported by the Outreach Team at the University of Warwick’s Resonate Festival of Science and Technology; hosted sciencePicture shows school science experiments as part of British Science Week days at local schools and held an event at the Coventry Transport Museum for parents and children embracing home schooling.

The Resonate Festival of Science and Technology welcomed over 500 people. Here them team ran an area called ‘Experience Engineering’ which featured science experiments; the opportunity to write code to control a digital embroidery machine; the navigation of robotic vehicles through a maze and more. Visitors were also able to meet the undergraduate student teams from Warwick Racing, Warwick Rail, Warwick Sub, and CyberWomen@Warwick.

WMG’s Director of Outreach and Widening Participation, Professor Margaret Low, explained: “These experiences allow students to see how their school learning applies to complicated and world-changing technologies. Through our outreach programmes we hope to inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM, widen participation in higher education and foster a culture of diversity in the future STEM workforce.”Picture shows the WMG Outreach Team

WMG’s Widening Participation Co-ordinator, Dr Phil Jemmett, added: “WMG and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult have outreach activities that are designed to give students a sense of ownership, since there are always elements they can re-create or try out at home. All the experiments we use in science shows or at public events are written up on our website under WMG Experiments, and we show the audience how it all works.

“It’s never magic – this is something anyone can do if they put their mind to it. We want to show people how exciting science and engineering can be, and that anyone can be an engineer.”

Caroline Cannon, WMG’s Outreach Project Officer added: “None of this would be possible without our brilliant network of helpers from within WMG and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult. They dedicate their time, on top of their busy day jobs and family commitments, to extend the reach of our programmes and to ensure the students have really memorable STEM experiences. We are so grateful to them.”

Find out more about WMG’s Outreach programmes here: Outreach and Widening Participation (

Wed 20 Mar 2024, 16:10 | Tags: HVM Catapult STEM Education Public engagement Outreach

WMG alumni recognised at British Council awards

Two former WMG graduates from the University of Warwick have been recognised at the British Council’s prestigious StudyUK Alumni Awards.

The Awards celebrate the achievements of international students who have studied in the UK and gone on to achieve great things.

Picture shows Yerkenaz Zholymbayeva receiving her award from Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, His Excellency Sayasat Nurbek.Yerkenaz Zholymbayeva, from Kazakhstan, who studied on the MSc Process Business Management programme in 2014 was announced as a winner of the Science and Sustainability Award.

Yerkenaz spearheaded the Repaper project, introducing a novel method for multiple deinking of wasted A4 paper in office environments securing an international patent in the process. She also organised, with the support of various institutions and colleagues, a summer science school for children aged 8-14 in rural areas of Kazakhstan.

Meanwhile Olugbenga Ojo from Nigeria, who studied on the MSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management 2014, was a finalist in the Business and Innovation category. Olugbenga established Warehöuzit, a digital warehouse ecosystem leading to a shift in how individuals and businesses source their warehouse spaces. He also contributed to the increase in employment opportunities and empowered businesses to become more agile in their operations.

Professor Steve Maggs, Director of Alumni and Industry Engagement, said: "Congratulations Yerkenaz and Olugbenga on your outstanding achievements! Your successes are a testament to the University of Warwick's commitment to excellence. As former WMG graduates, your contributions to science, sustainability, and innovation truly exemplify the spirit of our institution.

“Your recognition at the British Council’s prestigious StudyUK Alumni Awards serves as inspiration to our global network of over 285,000 alumni across more than 185 countries and territories. With over 29,000 proud WMG graduates, know that you're always part of the supportive and inclusive Warwick family, where connections thrive long after you've left our campus.”

To find out more about studying at WMG visit: Study | WMG | University of Warwick

Wed 20 Mar 2024, 11:41 | Tags: Education Postgraduate Full-time Alumni

Major initiative ‘Transport + Energy Skills’ announced

  • Partnership with the WMG, University of Warwick, to kick off year-long skills theme for the news and events brand, with active support from MPs and industry leaders.

Transport + Energy has announced a new initiative, Transport + Energy Skills, in partnership with WMG at the University of Warwick. The project will highlight the sectors’ shortage and provide insight, information exchange and solutions to progress a major re-skill, up-skill and new-skill of workers, to fit the way industries are changing and ensure UK companies are competitive.

Announcing the new partnership, Alec Peachey, Founder and Editorial Director of Transport + Energy said: “We are really excited about this launch, which tackles one of the most important issues we are facing in our sectors – skilling up our workforce to ensure UK companies are fit for the future.”

Dr Benjamin Silverstone, Skills and Workforce Transformation Specialist, will spearhead a series of articles in which he will speak to leaders to gain their insight into how skills needs are evolving, while digging into practical solutions and making a call to action for companies to take up this opportunity and respond to change.

“I once wrote that skills are the currency with which future opportunity will be bought. This is truer now, than ever, but what is different is that we all now have a voice in how we generate that wealth,” commented Dr Silverstone.

The aims of the articles will be to drive access to effective training to remain competitive, provide guidance on the impact changes will have, initiate a shift in high-quality training and development as well as promote consistency, to make the workforce’s skills transferrable.

Recognising the crucial need to mobilise industry to act to future proof the UK workforce, Matt Western MP, Shadow Higher Education Minister, Chair All Party Motor Group said:

“The green transition in transport and energy will transform thousands of jobs, creating new opportunities and life choices right across the country. We need our people to be well-equipped for these changes. I look forward to hearing from leaders in the field on what is needed to deliver the skilled transport and energy workforce of the future.”

The widespread importance of Transport + Energy Skills is also being actively supported by government:

“In order to maintain the UK’s leading position in net zero and energy transition, we must plan for the significant changes that will be required in the workforce. Over the next decade, for example, we will need to secure thousands of new jobs in battery manufacturing and train hundreds of thousands of mechanics to service electric vehicles. Transport + Energy’s initiative to bring together industry, colleges and providers to discuss how to deliver these vital skills is essential and I will do all I can support these aims,” commented Mark Pawsey MP.

Find out more about the WMG Skills Centre here: WMG Skills Centre : University of Warwick : Short Courses

Thu 08 Feb 2024, 14:46 | Tags: Education WMG Skills Centre Skills

WMG students tackle industry challenges through Company Collaboration Projects

The MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) course, at WMG, University of Warwick, is collaborating with a series of key industrial partners to offer students the opportunity to work on Company Collaboration Projects (CCP) again this academic year.

Company Collaboration Projects are collaborative dissertations that give students the opportunity to work on real-life challenges facing industry. The projects provides another option for students when selecting their dissertation, and in turn help to develop key skills and employment capabilities, whilst helping organisations to resolve their challenges via systematic research.

The CCP dissertation option was presented to students, at a special launch event for 23/24, by WMG’s ITSO Course Director, Dr Di Li. At the event, WMG’s Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education), Professor Dan Nunan highlighted the values of knowledge study and the practical impacts.Picture shows the CCP launch event at WMG, University of Warwick

The students also heard from senior executives at industrial partners, including Dr Filomeno Martina, CEO and co-founder at WAAM3D, and Ms Shu Jia, Assistant CEO at Rexville Solutions, who shared more details about the projects available this year.

Ms Shu Jia explains: “The Company Collaboration Projects have brought great impacts to our business by helping us save costs of several millions. We are so happy to continue the collaborations on this with the ITSO programme at WMG.”

Dr Filomeno Martina comments: “WAAM3D is delighted to work together with WMG on the Company Collaboration Projects, which are a key aspect of our academic engagement. WMG’s projects are well organised and deliver highly valuable outputs. We feel honoured to support the WMG students with both their academic studies and professional development.”

ITSO student course representative, Rong Fu, says: “This event not only helps ITSO students to have a clearer understanding of the type of projects available, but also provides the opportunity to communicate with corporate staff and supervisors face-to-face. The CCP allow us the opportunity to apply what we have learnt in solving real-world problems which is extremely attractive and helpful for our future career development.”

Find out more about WMG’s International Trade, Strategy and Operations Master’s Programme here: MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations | University of Warwick

If you represent a company who is interested in finding out more about CCP please email WMG’s Assistant Professor and ITSO Course Director, Dr Di Li, here:

Wed 31 Jan 2024, 09:46 | Tags: Education Partnerships Full-time Masters

WMG graduates shine at the University of Warwick's Winter Graduation Ceremonies

Congratulations are in order for the accomplished individuals of WMG who marked a significant milestone at the University of Warwick's Winter Graduation Ceremonies this week.

A total of 1,381 Master's, Postgraduate Research and Undergraduate students graduated from across WMG.

There were 1,225 Master’s students; 1,072 were full-time, 35 part-time, and 118 studied overseas.

Twelve graduated from the Postgraduate research programme including 11 PhD students and one Master’s of Science by research student.

A total of 144 were undergraduate students; three graduated with a BSc in Cyber Security, one with a BSc in Digital Healthcare Science; two with a BEng in Automotive Engineering and the remaining 138 were Degree Apprenticeship students.

At the WMG graduation event, the alumni speeches delivered by esteemed speakers, Philomena Lavery (MSc Cyber Security and Management, 2020), and Dr. Benjamin Wood, (MEng Mechanical Engineering, 2006; EngD Engineering, 2012) were nothing short of inspiring. Their words not only resonated with wisdom but also ignited a sense of motivation and empowerment among the graduates.

Philomena Lavery, Senior Vice President Digital Security at AVEVA, and Dr. Benjamin Wood, Director, Research & Technology – Manufacturing Innovation at Hexcel Corporation, brought a unique blend of expertise and experience to the podium. Their heartfelt messages added an extra layer of significance to the celebration, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG, said, “Congratulations to all our graduates. Your dedication and remarkable achievements have not only sculpted your academic journey but have also enriched the vibrant and innovative community here at WMG.

“I take immense pride in your accomplishments, and they stand as a testament to your resilience and commitment to excellence. I hope you continue to reach for new heights and inspire those around you now and in the future. Well done!”

Professor Steve Maggs, Director of Alumni and Industry Engagement, added: “As these graduates embark on new horizons, we celebrate their remarkable journey and commend their dedication. With a total of 1,381 Master’s, Postgraduate Research and Undergraduate students, this class not only signifies academic prowess but also adds depth to our diverse community.”

Professor Steve Maggs, further says, “At the University of Warwick, connections do not end when our students graduate; you join a community like no other. As a Warwick graduate, you become part of a global community of more than 285,000 alumni in more than 180 countries and territories, with over 29,000 of those who are WMG graduates. Wherever you are in the world, you can keep connected with the friends and networks developed during your studies and also have the opportunity to make new connections.”

Check out the WMG alumni web pages for more details:

To find out more about studying at WMG visit: Study | WMG | University of Warwick


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