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BCS accreditation for WMG education programmes

A total of five undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at WMG, University of Warwick have received accreditation from the BCS, Chartered Institute for IT.

The BCS, the professional body for computing, awarded unconditional accreditation, to the following:

Full-time courses  

· BSc Cyber Security

· MSc Cyber Security Engineering

· MSc Cyber Security Management

 Degree Apprenticeships 

· BSc Digital and Technology Solutions

· MSc Digital and Technology Solutions

This accreditation ensures that graduates from the relevant BSc and MSc programmes are automatically eligible to apply for full or partial Chartered Information Technology Professional (CITP) membership with BCS respectively, thereby enhancing their employability prospects as they embark on careers in technology and computing.

Degree Apprenticeships in the spotlight

WMG at the University of Warwick welcomes the recent Edge Foundation report on Degree Apprenticeships in England.

As a major provider of degree apprenticeships in engineering and digital technologies in the West Midlands, WMG recognises the transformative impact that they have on employers and learners who gain real industrial experience alongside a degree qualification.

The report explores the experiences of apprentices, employers, and education and training providers (ETPs), and makes a number of key recommendations for Government and Skills England to explore, which WMG strongly supports.

Professor Rob Thornton, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education at WMG, said: "Degree Apprenticeships provide fantastic opportunities for young people to learn and gain work experience, at the same time delivering value for and meeting the ongoing skills needs for businesses.

“While awareness of these programmes and their popularity is growing, ETPs may struggle to meet this demand due to administrative complexity and the fragmentation of apprenticeship standards. It's vitally important that employers take the lead in defining apprenticeship standards, but these also need to be flexible to allow ETPs to tailor their programmes to better meet employer and regional needs, and incorporate the world-leading research and development being carried out in our universities."

Find out more about WMG Degree Apprenticeship programmes here: Degree Apprenticeships

Thu 30 Jan 2025, 11:04 | Tags: Degree Apprenticeships Education

WMG students win automotive remanufacturing competition

WMG at the University of Warwick, is delighted to announce that two Degree Apprenticeship students on the Applied Professional Engineering Programme, Jack Daly and Nuh Chand have won first place in Borg Automotive’s Reman Challenge 2024

This prestigious competition, hosted by the Danish leader in automotive remanufacturing, brings together teams from around the world to tackle critical challenges in reverse logistics and promote innovation in circular economy.

Jack and Nuh’s entry stood out among 47 teams for its rigorous methodology, innovative approach, and actionable strategies tailored to the complexities of remanufacturing operations.

Wed 29 Jan 2025, 09:05 | Tags: Degree Apprenticeships Education

WMG celebrates outstanding achievements at Winter Graduation

WMG students celebrate at Winter GraduationCongratulations to the WMG graduates who celebrated their achievements at the University of Warwick's Winter Ceremonies.

A total of 1307 Master’s, Postgraduate Research and Undergraduate students graduated from across WMG Including:

  • 1,212 Master’s students; with 1,123 of those full-time, 38 part-time, and 51 studying overseas.
  • 11 PhD students and one EngD student
  • 83 Undergraduate students from Applied Engineering; Digital and Technology Solutions; Cyber Security; and Digital Healthcare Science

At the event, keynote speeches were delivered by members of the WMG alumni community - Dr Andy Palmer CMG, MSc Manufacturing Systems Engineering, (1990), former COO at Nissan and President & Group CEO of Aston Martin; Paul Faithfull MSc/EngD Engineering (UK), (1997), Chairman, Watt Electric Vehicles and Jim Shaw, MSc Engineering Business Management, (1996), Chief Experience Officer, bloom³.

WMG degree apprenticeships praised in University’s Ofsted report

WMG degree apprenticeships were praised in University’s Ofsted report WMG at the University of Warwick's collaborative, industry-driven approach was noted in a recent Ofsted report, where the University was praised for its commitment to delivering high-quality and transformative degree apprenticeship programmes.

The inspection highlighted Warwick's dedication to fostering valuable learning experiences across its degree apprenticeships, which are provided by key departments including WMG, Warwick Medical School; the School of Engineering, the Department of Computer Science, and the Centre for Lifelong Learning.

Warwick's approach was praised by the Ofsted inspectors, who found that the training offered aligns closely with local, regional and national skills shortages.

Professor Rob Thornton, Associate Dean Undergraduate Programmes, at WMG said: “On behalf of the entire team, I’m thrilled that the inspectors have recognised the strengths of the University’s degree apprenticeships, with over 60% based here in WMG, spanning Engineering and Digital Technologies.”

Tue 12 Nov 2024, 12:48 | Tags: Degree Apprenticeships Education

WMG welcomes record number of undergraduate degree apprentices

WMG 2024 Degree Apprenticeship intakeWMG at The University of Warwick, has welcomed a record number of degree apprentices onto its BEng Applied Professional Engineering Programme (APEP) and BSc Digital and Technology Solutions (DTS).

This academic year a total of 215 students have enrolled across the two Degree Apprenticeship programmes.

APEP has grown significantly since it was first launched in 2021 when 59 apprentices enrolled. Today, that number has increased by a huge 179%, with the 2024 intake standing at 165.

Both APEP and DTS have been designed following extensive consultation with industry partners to ensure the course content aligned with the future needs of the engineering sector.

Professor Rob Thornton, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education at WMG, explained: “I’m delighted to see our Degree Apprenticeship programmes growing in popularity.

“Working with employers is fundamental to the development, delivery and success of all our programmes. They play a crucial part in driving economic growth and productivity, and Degree Apprenticeships offer the opportunity to learn industry-relevant skills with a regular salary and huge career prospects.

“The applied nature of our course means apprentices complete work-based assignments and projects throughout, so they gain a real understanding of the principles taught and how this can benefit their companies.”

Both courses have been designed to meet the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) accreditation requirements, therefore in the future students should be able to attain CEng (Chartered Engineer) professional registration status.

Find out more about Degree Apprenticeships at WMG here:

WMG and Dyson Institute celebrate fourth and final graduation ceremony

On Saturday (28th September), WMG at The University of Warwick and The Dyson Institute celebrated their fourth and final cohort of 35 graduates at a ceremony held across Dyson’s UKWMG and Dyson Institute celebrate fourth and final graduation ceremony R&D campus.

A total of 160 students have now successfully completed the BEng Engineering Degree Apprenticeship, through the WMG and Dyson partnership, which first began in 2017.

This is the final cohort to graduate with a degree from The University of Warwick, as the Dyson Institute now moves to independent delivery and degree awarding powers.

The ceremony included speeches from Sir James Dyson, Founder of Dyson; Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor of the University of Warwick, Mary Curnock Cook, Chair of Council; and Babajide Popoola, Class of 2024 Graduate.

Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG, said: “It has been a privilege to work with colleagues and learners at Dyson in realising the vision of the Engineering Degree Apprenticeship. The collaboration and mutual respect have resulted in, what I believe to be, an exemplar of how academia and industry can work together to achieve amazing results. My congratulations to everyone involved and I look forward to us building on this firm foundation together in the future.”

Sir James Dyson reflected on the success of the seven-year partnership with WMG in his commencement address: “This graduation marks another change for us as we step out from the partnership with WMG and the University of Warwick. I would like to thank Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG; and Professor Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor of Warwick University. Thank you for saying ‘yes’ to joining us on this pioneering adventure back in 2017. You took on our pioneering adventure, it was an unselfish undertaking by you, a brave decision. I am sure you are as proud as I am at the achievements of the undergraduates, and the institution they’ve created. I sincerely hope our close association will continue.”

Find out more about WMG’s training and skills programmes for businesses:

Thu 03 Oct 2024, 14:48 | Tags: Degree Apprenticeships Education

Celebrating success at the Engineering Talent Awards

Congratulations to Degree Apprentice Alumna, Kayleigh Poulter and WMG Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Student Experience, Nicola Knowles who both take home Engineering Talent Awards.

The Engineering Talent Awards showcases role models and inspiring people to celebrate the diversity of organisations and engineers. The awards help to raise the profile of the engineering and technology professions across the UK.

kayleigh poulter receives awardKayleigh Poulter received both the Engineering Graduate of the Year and Overall Excellence in Engineering awards for her amazing work in building more neuroinclusion into Dyson products.

Kayleigh earned a BEng Engineering as part of her Degree Apprenticeship from the University of Warwick, which WMG delivered in partnership with The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology.

An advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion, Kayleigh's studies focused on accessibility, designing technologies for those with sensory sensitivities and neurodivergences. After conducting user trials, she developed recommendations to make Dyson products more accessible, a contribution that has influenced Dyson’s design processes.

During her studies Kayleigh led initiatives like LGBTQIA+ afternoon teas and played a vital role in improving support for neurodivergent and mental health needs.

Kayleigh Poulter said, “I thoroughly enjoyed working on my final year project, investigating designing for sensory sensitivity differences, and considering inclusive design more generally. I am extremely grateful to have been recognised for this, and my other work in the ED&I space, and I’m committed to continuing this work wherever I can.”

Associate Professor, Nicola Jane Knowles also brought home an award for University Engineering Staff Member of the Year.

Nicky knowles

Nicola is the Assistant Dean for Student Experience at WMG at the University of Warwick and teaches Digital Healthcare Science. Her focus is to understand

the student voice and recognise their wants and needs. Nicola quotes ‘nothing about us without us’ meaning that the students are engaged with every decision made for them at every step of the way. The student voice is at the centre of everything.

She recognises that students need a sense of belonging, by understanding their wants and needs, she has helped to create four new student spaces such as a cooking area at lunch times for students who prefer their own cultural foods; quiet places for those with neurodiversity's; a space for group working and the student hub where they can learn and relax together.

Nicola oversaw the launch of WMG peer writing mentoring. This allows students, who need extra help with writing, to go to peer mentors ensuring that everyone is able to get the support they require.

She also launched an innovative initiative, module huddle, that inspires colleagues to meet collectively to focus on student-related topics which provides a rapid system of quality enhancement in real time by quickly identifying the achievable goals. She also led many more initiatives which also focus on ED&I.

Associate Professor, Nicola Knowles said, “I am honoured and privileged to win the award; it really is a career highlight. The award represents the team and the hard work we do to support the student voice and make our education provision inclusive.”

Pro-Dean of Education at WMG, Professor Gill Cooke, said, “Congratulations to both Nicky and Kayleigh on winning their awards. It is fabulous to see our staff and students recognised for their achievements. Awards such as this really do help to showcase the amazing work our people do for industry, for student experience, and for equality, diversity and inclusion.”

See the full list of 2024 winners here:

Thu 03 Oct 2024, 13:40 | Tags: Awards Degree Apprenticeships Education

WMG graduates shine at the University of Warwick's Winter Graduation Ceremonies

Congratulations are in order for the accomplished individuals of WMG who marked a significant milestone at the University of Warwick's Winter Graduation Ceremonies this week.

A total of 1,381 Master's, Postgraduate Research and Undergraduate students graduated from across WMG.

There were 1,225 Master’s students; 1,072 were full-time, 35 part-time, and 118 studied overseas.

Twelve graduated from the Postgraduate research programme including 11 PhD students and one Master’s of Science by research student.

A total of 144 were undergraduate students; three graduated with a BSc in Cyber Security, one with a BSc in Digital Healthcare Science; two with a BEng in Automotive Engineering and the remaining 138 were Degree Apprenticeship students.

At the WMG graduation event, the alumni speeches delivered by esteemed speakers, Philomena Lavery (MSc Cyber Security and Management, 2020), and Dr. Benjamin Wood, (MEng Mechanical Engineering, 2006; EngD Engineering, 2012) were nothing short of inspiring. Their words not only resonated with wisdom but also ignited a sense of motivation and empowerment among the graduates.

Philomena Lavery, Senior Vice President Digital Security at AVEVA, and Dr. Benjamin Wood, Director, Research & Technology – Manufacturing Innovation at Hexcel Corporation, brought a unique blend of expertise and experience to the podium. Their heartfelt messages added an extra layer of significance to the celebration, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG, said, “Congratulations to all our graduates. Your dedication and remarkable achievements have not only sculpted your academic journey but have also enriched the vibrant and innovative community here at WMG.

“I take immense pride in your accomplishments, and they stand as a testament to your resilience and commitment to excellence. I hope you continue to reach for new heights and inspire those around you now and in the future. Well done!”

Professor Steve Maggs, Director of Alumni and Industry Engagement, added: “As these graduates embark on new horizons, we celebrate their remarkable journey and commend their dedication. With a total of 1,381 Master’s, Postgraduate Research and Undergraduate students, this class not only signifies academic prowess but also adds depth to our diverse community.”

Professor Steve Maggs, further says, “At the University of Warwick, connections do not end when our students graduate; you join a community like no other. As a Warwick graduate, you become part of a global community of more than 285,000 alumni in more than 180 countries and territories, with over 29,000 of those who are WMG graduates. Wherever you are in the world, you can keep connected with the friends and networks developed during your studies and also have the opportunity to make new connections.”

Check out the WMG alumni web pages for more details:

To find out more about studying at WMG visit: Study | WMG | University of Warwick


WMG celebrates first cohort of Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship graduates

Picture shows the first cohort of Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship graduatesCongratulations to the first apprentices to complete a Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship at WMG, University of Warwick, who graduated at the end of July. Of the 68 graduates, an impressive 44% achieved a first class degree.

Established in 2019, the BSc Digital and Technology Solutions (DTS) Degree Apprenticeship has been developed in collaboration with employers in the engineering sector. The programme brings together academia and industry to empower early talent to become confident technology solutions professionals.

As technology advances and the digital skills gap in the UK widens, employers are seeking new ways to innovate and adapt. Apprentices on the DTS Degree Apprenticeship spend four years studying and working, developing the high-quality skills that companies need for business growth. Apprentices graduate with the ability to deliver technology solutions to develop new products and services, and increase productivity using digital technologies.

WMG is passionate about supporting organisations with their workforce strategies, whether that be upskilling employees or recruiting new talent. The Degree Apprenticeship team has built strong employer partnerships to provide programmes that equip employees with the specialised skills that businesses need now, and for the future.

Edward Stone, Senior Careers Cohort Lead at JLR, commented on the impact of DTS apprentices on the business: “At JLR we have been involved from the inception of the DTS Degree Apprenticeship programme, working closely with WMG in its development and application for our business. The knowledge and skills being developed by our apprentices play a key part in closing a critical skills gap fundamental to the ongoing success of JLR as we undertake the transformation of our business to meet the ever-changing challenges of the automotive industry.”

Reflecting on this important milestone for our graduates and for the DTS Degree Apprenticeship programme, Professor Gill Cooke, Pro-Dean (Education) at WMG said: “I am delighted that DTS has had its first graduating cohort; WMG colleagues have completed some incredible work to enable our students to graduate on the course across various discipline streams. Well done to our first graduates!”

Associate Professor and Course Lead for the DTS Degree Apprenticeship programme, Dr Alaa Al Sebae, added: “I was filled with joy when witnessing the first cohort of graduates walking across the stage with smiles and pride. Their dedication and hard work over the past four years studying while working have set an exceptional standard for future learners. We are truly proud of their accomplishments and have no doubt that they will continue to shine brightly in their current and future careers.

“We hope to maintain close connections, and that they visit frequently as guest speakers to inspire future cohorts. Congratulations once again to our graduates, and may you move forward to make a positive impact in the world!”

Associate Professor and DTS Degree Apprenticeship Founding Course Leader and Course Designer, Dr Freeha AzmatLink opens in a new window, said: “It was a huge pleasure to welcome the first DTS cohort to WMG four years ago, and I am so excited to see all of them progressing to the next stage of their careers now.

“The continuous effort and hard work of apprentices, close collaboration between employers and the University team from course inception to the delivery phase has made this programme successful. Congratulations to all.”

For more information about WMG Degree Apprenticeships, please contact the team or visit the website.

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