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Library Events

Library Events

The Library runs a variety of different events, all of which are designed to support you through your time at the University. Our events focus on connecting you to your peers, helping you to learn and study independently.

Keep an eye out on our What's On Calendar and social media (@WarwickLibrary) for dates of when all the events below will be taking place! You can also download or view the Term 1 Termview to see all of the events in one place!

What's On

Three people sat around a table. One has her hands up as she is explaining something. The other two are facing that person with smiles on their faces. Their are two laptops open on the table as well as water bottles.

Write Here Write Now

Write Here, Write Now is a focused study time session, where you can use the Pomodoro technique to guide your studies.

The session is designed to help students focus and be held accountable for their work.

These are events you can drop in and out of, and free refreshments will also be provided throughout the session.

Photo of someone wearing a Library Student Partner t-shirt pointing to a flyer while talking to another person who is looking at the flyer and smiling.

Student Toolkit

Student Toolkit is an event brought to you by our Library Student Partners and previous Warwick Students.

Get some tips and tricks for your studies from your fellow students and ask our Library Student Partners any questions that you may have!

These events have different themes throughout the year to provide relevant resources for the student lifecycle.

Photo of a person reading a book and smiling at it. They're framed by two blurry green squares and are wearing headphones.

Reading Space

Reading Space is hosted in our Breathing Space and is an event where you can come and take a break from your studies in a calming environment.

We encourage you to sit back and do some leisure reading during this event and will often highlight some of our Leisure Reading Collection as well.

This is a drop in and out event and free refreshments are provided.

Image of a person playing with a big sensory toy and looking at it. The photo has a blue hue.

Sensory Refresh

Sensory Refresh events are interactive sessions with activities to help you explore your sensory profile.

These are events you can drop in and out of, and free refreshments are available throughout.

This event is ideal for Neurodivergent people but is open to all as we can all benefit from understanding our senses better.

Photo of a person in a Library Student Partner T-shirt putting something into a Library tote bag that another student is holding out for them.

Explore Your Library

Explore Your Library is an event where our Library Student Partners will guide you through all the services available to you.

Discover how you can maximize your library experience and receive advice for your studies. Have your questions answered and make the most of what the library has to offer.

Three people are sat at a table. One is off to the side on a separate table. Between the two at the forefront is another person standing between them wearing a Library Student Partner t-shirt and pointing at something on the table.

Endnote Workshops

Want to know more about managing your references, saving time and avoiding plagiarism?

The webinar will introduce you to the desktop version of EndNote and will demonstrate how to import or add references to your library, how to create groups, how to attach full text articles. It will also show you how to use the Cite While You Write function in Microsoft Word to generate citations and bibliographies.

Image of three people sitting and working on a puzzle. They're all smiling and laughing.

Postgraduate Events

We also run two events that are exclusively for postgraduates.

PG Tips is our weekly postgraduate event which is hosted in the PG Hub in the Junction. There are weekly themes which are centred around the lifecycle of being a postgraduate.

Research Refresh is our weekly event for all researchers at the University. It is an opportunity for PGRs to take a break from their work, grab some coffee and cake, and to chat with other researchers from different disciplinaries.

Photo of a student in a Library Student Partner holding a flashcard. They are facing another person who has their back to the camera.

Revise Here Revise Now

Revise Here, Revise Now is a focused revision session that promotes study time in term two and three.

We'll have blank flashcards for you which you can use to create helpful revision guides, and our Library Student Partners will also be on hand to quiz you if you need it as well!

These are events you can drop in and out of, and free refreshments are available throughout.


We'd love to hear your thoughts on all of our events. If you've attended an event recently and would like to let us know what you liked or disliked about it, please do fill out this formLink opens in a new window or get in touch via email, library at warwick dot ac dot uk.