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Can a woman ever consent to her own murder? Expert comment on the Grace Millane verdict

During the Grace Millane murder trial, the defendant attempted to introduce ‘rough sex’ or ‘sex game gone wrong’ as a defence. Dr Laura Lammasniemi from Warwick Law School explains why efforts to use this defence are troublesome from a legal perspective.

Fri 22 Nov 2019, 15:14 | Tags: Expert comment, Policy, Research, Law, Faculty of Social Science, Gender

Brazil's Supreme Court makes decision that could free Lula - expert comment

Brazil's Supreme Court has overturned a 2016 decision that defendants who failed a first appeal could be imprisoned. Dr George Meszaros from Warwick Law School comments on the ruling, which could see former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva released.

School of Law's Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner comments on 'costly trap' of insurance policy auto-renewal

An interim report by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has estimated that millions of consumers are overpaying on insurance premiums by remaining loyal to their provider and not shopping around. Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner from the School of Law has highlighted how auto-renewal of policies can be used by providers to their own advantage.

Fri 04 Oct 2019, 12:34 | Tags: School of Law, Research, Law

Should the courts intervene in prorogation? Expert comment from Professor John McEldowney

"Prorogation in the circumstances of Brexit sits uneasily with ideas of fair play, compromise and negotiation." Professor John McEldowney from Warwick Law comments on the legal challenges to the Prime Minister's decision to prorogue Parliament.

Dr George Meszaros comments on the dramatic increase in Amazon fires

"Traditionally the farming lobby illegally opened up land in Brazil and the state acquiesced. With his aggressive rhetoric Bolsonaro has pump primed that sector." Dr George Meszaros, Associate Professor in Warwick Law School, comments on some of the political and legal issues surrounding the burning of the Amazon.
Fri 23 Aug 2019, 09:26 | Tags: environment, Amazon, Expert comment, Brazil, EU, Law, Faculty of Social Science

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